Tuesday 7 May 2024

Second Eleven update

An enterprising declaration by captain Ross Whiteley set up what looks to be an enthralling final day against Durham Seconds at Repton.

Replying to durham's 300, Derbyshire declared on 226-5, with Harry Came top-scoring with 67 and Wagstaff, Bin Naeem and Whiteley all making 30s, the skipper unbeaten.

They then reduced the visitors to 98-6 in their second innings, with Harry Moore and Manraj Johal taking two wickets each. The giant Moore is limited in the overs he bowls, as he returns to fitness after a back injury, but looks a terrific talent whenever I see him. He just seems to have a rhythm, an ability to find the line and length required and by all accounts a shrewd head on his shoulders. He won't want for sage advice either, his Dad having been a very good club bowler for many years.

I will be keeping an eye on that one tomorrow.


  1. Agree with you about Harry Moores Dad,a good club cricketer who played for my club, Wirksworth and a decent chap off the field.

  2. I've played against his Dad (and a young Harry) I preferred the non-strikers end!

  3. Why do n t we play the second eleven as the first team , with a place for Wayne of course and see how they do lol MALBAR

  4. So 78 days of cricket is to much in a 6 month season. This really has to stop, just 2 years since the saga when the same County's rightly rejected Andrew Strauss and his utterly ridiculous 10 four day games. Imagine lets say this season you might only see 3 full home fc games.If that ever happens after 54 years then my membership ends as I told Ryan Ducket two summers ago I would select just a few days per summer to watch live cricket.The players apparently such as Joe Root are driving for change to allow recovery and preparation which to a point I understand but can't from a fans point of view ever agree with. With respect to Joe please keep your test match nose out of domestic cricket. If not you personally then many others who are moaning are at the same time lining their pockets with franchise cricket money Do I begrudge them this money definitely not their top players so good luck to them.No the problem is the scheduling not the amount of cricket, your professionals dedicate yourself to it and you'll cope. Scap the the insane unessarey 100 as a starting point and work from there. Ater the May 17 Northampton fc fixture their isn't another fc fixture at the incora ground for 13 weeks. This is utter madness as is back to back t20 nights.For me as I've already stated a few weeks ago it's back to a 3 day game but speeded up. I've amended day one to 80 overs max, that leaves 20 for the side batting second and 100 overs per day.That leaves 60 overs for the following day. That in turn means 40 overs completed in the second innings by one team at the end of day 2 Now the extremely difficult bit DAY 3.How if the game isn't over do you set a finish up. ? What points system do you use ? Do you allow manufactured finishes, people didn't like them last time so somehow they have to be negotiated.Again how.? Being as theirs no Derbyshire game on at the moment any Suggestions because I see only a cut to 3 day fc cricket as a solution.Because teams need the money from the others forms.My 3 day game needs many more suggestions and people will no doubt be able to improve it but I really think it is the way forward because money dominates the game so it's this form that will have to be amended.
    Steve jr.

    1. Well, we're OK as we play 2.5 day championship cricket already. Changing to 3 days shouldn't make any difference!

      The hundred isn't going to be scrapped, so you can forget that option.

  5. If they want to create space, 3 day cricket is an option. Tests don't always go 5 days and since England bat as if it is a 50 over game, I don't see an issue.

    But then I would go to one division in a heartbeat, given a choice. Not sure promotion and relegation added to the game. It just made teams more cagey and less willing to take risks


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