Thursday 23 May 2024

Matt Carter released by Nottinghamshire

I don't know if you all saw it, but yesterday Matt Carter was released by Nottinghamshire by mutual agreement. He had not played for the county since last September. 

Now I don't know if he has something going on in his life, but if I answered the question honestly as to would he enhance the Derbyshire side in white ball cricket, my answer would be 'yes'.

He has been a canny operator for a number of seasons and is skilled enough to bowl a fair number of his overs in the Powerplay. Not the fastest of movers in the field, but at 6'6 that is perhaps a given. But he can also hit a ball a long way.

In the absence of the overseas spinner that I have advocated since this time last year, Carter could do the job for Derbyshire in white ball cricket that Alex Thomson can do with the red ball, if he is selected. I know that we have Jack Morley, but I  suspect he will head back to Lancashire shortly, with Tom Hartley on England duty and Nathan Lyon coming to the end of his stint there.

He and Samit Patel were a major reason for Nottinghamshire success in white ball cricket and at 27 he has a lot more to give. It may be that he is lined up by someone else, but I would have seen him as a huge asset in moving along Brian Clough Way.

It will be a transitional season for Nottinghamshire too. Having lost both spinners, as well as Steven Mullaney and Jake Ball, their white ball attack will look very different this year.

One to keep an eye on, perhaps...


  1. Just as a matter of interest Steve is it possible to have a clause. In a contract whereby you can't play immediately against a former team. I know it happens in football it's just its never entered my head before
    Steve jr.

  2. Morley has been recalled by Lancashire , we have some wriggle room !!!

  3. Morley has gone back to Lancs. I wonder if that is extra fuel for Carter coming to DCCC? Facet

  4. Surly signing Carter would only Push Thomson further down the pecking order and make the loan signing of Morley even more pointless

    1. Not necessarily. Horses for courses. A four day spinner and a one day specialist

  5. Jack Morley has returned to Lancashire so there might be a place for Matt Carter in the one day side.

    1. What was the point in signing Morley?

    2. Can't answer that, Simon


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