Thursday 23 May 2024

Gloucestershire v Derbyshire preview

Harry Came is back in the Derbyshire squad for the game at Bristol tomorrow, which is good to see. He has scored consistent runs in the second team and certainly deserves a return to the side, let alone the squad. 

Blair Tickner is missing for well-documented personal reasons and is replaced in the squad by Sam Conners. I hope that Sam returns to the side, as he needs to be playing cricket and I am much happier when Derbyshire-reared cricketers are involved in the lineup. 

The squad of thirteen leaves a difficult to call final eleven, but I just hope we find a place for Alex Thomson. To go into a game without a 'proper' spinner - with no disrespect intended to David Lloyd - is silly, especially when we have so many seam options. 


Came, Reece, Lloyd, Madsen, Guest, Donald, Lamb, Whiteley, Dal, Thomson, Chappell, Conners, Dupavillon

Gloucestershire are doing well this season, could go top with a win and will present a stiff test for Derbyshire. How nice would it be if we could go into the T20 after this game with a good performance, at least, under our belt?

Their squad: Van Buuren, Bancroft, Taylor, Shaw, Charlesworth, Bracey, Webster, Taylor, Dale, Middleton, Charlesworth, Price, Hammond, de Lange

De Lange has been in fine form for them and crucially they are playing as a team. Bancroft has given stability to the batting and although Gohar is missing, they will have a solid line up.

I will be on North Derbyshire Radio tomorrow night after 6.30pm, talking about recent news and about the forthcoming T20.

Finally, speaking of news, Jack Morley has gone back to Lancashire after being recalled from his loan, as I predicted in my last blog. I have to admit I struggled with the logic of the signing then and even more now, after he played just one game in his time with us. 

It would have made some sense to play him and Alex Thomson in rotation, but to play neither on some of these pitches was just odd. 


  1. David exiled in Lancs23 May 2024 at 19:59

    Sad as I am to say it, but despite his defensive masterclass in the last match, I think it might be time to give Nuj Dal a rest. Playing Reece and Whiteley alongside Chappell, Conners and Du Pavillon gives lots of seam options and if Thomson plays instead of Lamb, a 7,8,9 of Whiteley, Thomson and Chappell isn't (or shouldn't) be the worst in the world

  2. I think its clear that as in the case of football a coach will stand or fall on the strength of his recruitment. Lloyd is no better than a No 5 batsmen, but I think most of us knew this when he arrived. I've been looking back at quotes from Mickey as reguards players he's signed and their utterly bizarre as I said so at the time. As the season Shan had with us will prove to be his peak first class season thank goodness that came off for him. Surely the old adage of only sign players who are better than the ones you already have still applies. At least Sam Connors might get a game in Bristol.

    1. Thanks Anon, please remember a name!

    2. when we bat in the game we need to see players going for their shots, like Gay did for Northants. Too often we see batsmen who give the impression of being rabbits caught in headlights. They scratch around, accumulate lots of dot balls, and then get out. Think back to how Masood played: few dot balls, lots of 4s, and he always kept the scoreboard ticking over. Of course, batsmen have to play themselves in, but then they need to go for the kind of aggressive and exciting cricket Mickey has talked about so much.

  3. You might know it's me who's forgot.
    Steve jr

  4. Hope to see Harry Came back opening, with Lloyd at 3 and Guest at 5. Alex Thomson has to come back in and I to would like to see Sam Conners back. Matt Lamb and Anuj Dal (reluctantly after saving the last game) to miss out.

  5. Chesterfield Blue23 May 2024 at 22:28

    I'll predict a match drawn before a ball has been bowled

  6. I think Chappell could be rested, with the Blast in mind. The other place could be between Lamb / Donald. Toss of a coin that one. Lloyd should bat at 5. Kris

  7. Don't see any reason why we shouldn't start on time here in Bristol this morning.l haven't missed a game yet home or away. Were it not for the fighting sprit shown last Monday I would seriously have considered not making the considerable effort involved to get to this and other games.Dont really know what to expect from Derbyshire they could get rolled or last Monday could be the turning point in their season.Something I do know is I prefer the tight compact incora ground to many of the other grounds visited. All we need is a half decent team to play in it.
    Steve jr


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