Monday 20 May 2024

Derbyshire v. Northamptonshire day 4

Northamptonshire 422 and 310-3 (Gay 153*)

Derbyshire 362 and 261-9 (Chappell 72, Reece 44, Guest 33, Dal 31*,  Keogh 5-62, Patterson-White 3-58)

Match drawn

A terrific rearguard action by Anuj Dal and Zak Chappell helped Derbyshire to secure a draw by the narrowest of margins this afternoon. 

With the assistance of gutsy displays by Blair Tickner and Daryn Dupavillon they finished 261-9, having been set 371 to win. Dal scored an unbeaten 31 from 139 balls and saw it through to the close, after Chappell made a more aggressive 72 in a century stand for the eighth wicket, this  after their side had limply subsided from 127-2 to 149-7. It was the second time in the match that the middle order had shown all the resilience of balsa wood and it was again hugely disappointing to watch.

It is hard to get away from the opinion that we are really not very good at 4-day cricket. The visitors deserved to win this match as they showed far greater skills and discipline as a team. They batted well and their two spinners and opening bowler Ben Sanderson were excellent. 

The irony on Derbyshire almost being bowled out on the last afternoon by those two spinners, having not selected any themselves, is not lost on me. Once again, not for the first time,  team selection was wrong for this game and I cannot think I am the only person thinking that. 

There is one more game to go, at Bristol next week, before we go into the Vitality Blast, the competition for which our winter recruitment appears specifically to have been done. 

If we don't do better than this, there really needs to be a discussion about the way forward, because the four-day cricket this year has been little short of a shambles. Let's hope we can get behind Samit's Soldiers and have the chance to remember what a win feels like.

Maybe we will see a new Derbyshire. We can only hope so, because the long-suffering fans deserve something to get excited about.

There has been little of that so far.


  1. Tremendous effort by Dal and Chappell for the 8th wicket stand. Just shows what is possible with some application after a 2nd inns batting collapse to match that in the 1st inns.
    The home team decide not to include a recognised spinner but the visitors had two in their X1.
    It begs the question, who is involved in team selection...?
    Ian. South Africa.

  2. Tim, Chesterfield20 May 2024 at 19:37

    I'm not sure that's so much an opinion as a fact that we aren't very good. The short, medium and long terms stats are horrific and the signs are that we are actually getting worse rather than better.

    There are several issues wi th the squad make up notwithstanding the confused and often plain wrong selection issues.

    Lloyd isn't good enough to open the batting I'm afraid. His technique just doesn't stand up to examination from seasoned county opening bowlers.

    Matt Lamb has a technique which is always likely to invite problems and of course frequently does.

    We have two non-batting overseas bowlers who are very samey and are struggling to get the ball to do anything despite playing with heart and huge effort.

    At least we showed a little fight today but it barely covers the widening cracks.

  3. The most alarming part of the day for me was the beginning with Northants racking well over a hundred runs in just 13 overs. Emilio Gay looks a fine player but surely our top bowlers should do better than that. I thought the declaration was not ungenerous as the pitch had few demons in it although offering gentle turn but once Wayne was caught on the boundary pushing the accelerator, it was tough viewing and frankly we deserved to lose. In his post match interview it was interesting that Mickey said he didn't select Alex Thomson as he doesn't take wickets at Derby. I would have thought having taken a bucket load of them at Cardiff, the psychology would be to take that form to headquarters. But then again Mickey is a top international coach and I'm not.

    1. My reply to MA would be why then did you give a 2 year deal to someone who doesn't take wickets at home? And why sign Morley, if you aren't going to pick him either?

  4. David exiled in Lancs20 May 2024 at 20:02

    There does seem to be major uncertainty about team selection. Sixteen players have been selected across 5 matches, with no real injury issues that I am aware of. Amongst the bowlers in particular, 10 players have bowled more than 25 overs in total, and only 3 (Thomson, Morley and Du Pavillon) having a current average below 50. These 3 have only played 5 matches between them.

    I realise there is a fine line between allowing payers a decent run in the team, and keeping players in the team when they are not performing, but something somewhere seems to be going very wrong.

    On every metric we are struggling. We have less bonus points, both batting and bowling, than any other team. Our bowlers have conceded 600 more runs than our batters have scored. Our batters have lost their wickets 76 times, but our bowlers have only taken 52 wickets. No-one has scored a century. Only Thomson has achieved 5 wickets in an innings

    Confidence must be so low that the chances of approaching the T20 season in a positive state of mind must be doubtful.

    I fear for the entire season.

    1. I don’t wish to detract from your post David as I agree with the sentiment completely. Just like to point out Wayne M scored a century against Yorkshire.


  5. Chesterfield Blue20 May 2024 at 20:29

    We can't win cricket matches that's the bottom line here, it's become a really bad habit sadly. And to be quite frank we should've lost a few of the drawn matches so far this season, we've been thoroughly outplayed in virtually every game.
    I'm convinced that Mickey Arthur doesn't know his best eleven, we're changing it from week to week and it just seems a bit like square pegs in round holes all the time.I can't wait for the T20 to start because we have to start winning in that comp, don't we?

  6. The Great Escape! I don't really have much to add to what's already been said apart from praising Dal's innings of self- denial covering 139 deliveries and Chappell's fighting knock. But seriously....where on earth do we go from here?

  7. Fantastic game of cricket and as far as I'm concerned that's as good as a win. But having said that I'm papering over the cracks. Northampton made a dogs dinner of the declaration and declared at least 5 overs to late.If your not confident about beating Derbyshire then it's clear we aren't the only side with problems. But again Derbyshire are constantly fire fighting.The fact that in both innings the better batsmen were again found wanting, yet the lower order batsmen proved it wasn't that difficult to bat on that pitch.Its high time we decided how we're going to play because again so many of them appear in an utter state of confusion when it comes to shot selection. I'm really sick of the amount of hitting across the ball.What ever happened to playing straight. Playing in the V they use to call it. To many t20 shots being played. Again you would have to question team selection. I've already stated Thompson no matter what the pitch might do should have played all 14 CC games. The bowling is to much of a muchness to ever consider leaving him out. It was their spinners that very nearly got them over the line. Couldn't believe near the end when time was ticking away how one of their bowlers wasted so much time trying to shine the ball.Absolutely incredible theirs a time and a place,for trying to shine a cricket ball given Derbyshire were on their knees at the time he decides extra Polishing is going to get the wicket. No way in these particular circumstances just get the ball down the other end.Overall Northampton should have won that game they messed up big time. But whatever well done Derbyshire but the front line Batsmen need to spend some time stood in front of the mirror. Because at the moment batting is far to complicated for them. Didn't someone once say, Let's get back to Basics well maybe that's what we need to do. Because watching them bat seems to
    be so complicated they find ridiculous ways of getting out time and time again.
    Steve jr.

    1. Steve could you drop me an email about your most recent comment? Cheers -

  8. I have nothing tobsay that is constructive. Spare a thought for me please. DCCC and Sheffield United fan.

    We can only hope for an improvement and the rest is not in our gift


  9. Can’t say the cricket followers in Cardiff are surprised by the performances of Lloyd and Donald - we had years of mediocrity from them, unfortunately, it won’t improve.

  10. Just to be fair to Wayne he has got a century and he did it with 10 stitches in his hand. But other than that it is correct to say no one else has a Century.
    Steve jr.

    1. David exiled in Lancs20 May 2024 at 21:09

      Thanks Steve, you are of course correct. My apologies to Lord Madsen.

  11. Watching Gay and partners hitting Derbyshire's bowlers, not least our overseas recruits, all over the ground did not augur well for the one-day competitions. Has the idea of bowling line and length become unfashionable?

  12. Nothing to add to the above comments. Except that Dave Fletcher on the live stream today said that after play ended yesterday, he was walking past the dressing room and, to his astonishment, he could hear Mickey shouting at the players. He was giving them a good you know what. I know some contributors have questioned Mickey's commitment to the club, but I've never doubted it. The problem is he's Jurgen Klopp coaching Matlock Town.

    1. I think there is the problem..not everyone responds to being shouted at. Autocracy is one thing but an environment where 'fear' is the currency is not, in my opinion, conducive to producing best form. And I am not convinced he is Jurgen Klopp...

    2. Definitely not Jürgen Klopp and certainly not Brian Clough, which is what this team needs.

    3. I don’t mind if he has had a shout at them, to be honest. I think some of them need it. Some of the batting has been frankly appalling and quite a few of these players come with high reputations. Saw someone say ‘Penny for Godleman’s thoughts’. He should have been released before Mickey arrived!

  13. What a sorry state of affairs - bottom of the division; no wins; least bonus points; inconsistent batting; ineffective bowling; dropped catches.

    On top of all that some baffling team selection leaving out Thomson in particular. Ideally you want a settled top six and a bowling line up that at least offers some variety, we don’t appear to have either.

    Where do we go from here, I’m not sure other than after another disappointing display, l would like to see some of the younger players like Wagstaff given an opportunity. We are also crying out for a more balanced bowling attack; four/five seamers and an occasional spinner is not the answer.


    1. I am with you, Nudger. There are many questions about selection, man management, and recruitment that don't bear scrutiny. Thus far it is as bad a summer as any of my memory

    2. I agree with you Steve. Having followed Derbyshire for even longer than you, it seems to me that we are mired in mediocrity like never before.

  14. Fantastic work by Anuj and Zak but ultimately this has been yet another disappointing team performance. Lloyd isn’t good enough, shades of Brian Bolus for those of us old enough to remember. Came needs to be in the team. So does Thomson. Arthur is meant to be a great coach. Who is he coaching? Conners, Aitchison, Potts all have potential but they’re never getting a game with this set up. Bitterly disappointing season so far.
    Andy T

    1. With a batting and bowling coach I suspect his is more a motivational role, in which case his style comes under scrutiny. I feel that at this level the approach is wrong. Maybe it works at elite, international level, but one size fits all isn't a good approach to man management


  15. Consistency is a major factor. We do play some good cricket but seem incapable of doing it for 4 days. There’s a really bad session or two at least in every game and your not going to win games doing that.

    The balance of the team hasn't looked right all season, compounded by dropping an opener and then the spinner.

    Tickner has bowled well and deserves more wickets, and while DuPavillon had been decent, I do think Mohamad Amir makes a big difference…but that is what it is.

  16. The very best managers flex their style and approach to fit the team or audience in front of them. IF their ego, emotional capacity and ability allow it.

    Mickey is fast running out of time and words. I so want us to come good but the evidence, so far, suggests it may not play out that way.

    A penny for Billy Godleman's thoughts right now?


    1. Listened to Mikey Arthur's post match presser was he being serious when he suggested that Derbyshire were actually going to try and chase 371? Or was he trying to gloss over another batting collapse

  17. The 2024 averages suggest we are still reliant on Reece, Madsen and Guest. Quite where we'd be without Chappell's unusually good batting, I don't know;
    Lloyd 22
    Reece 34
    Guest 38
    Lamb 20
    Dal 15
    Came 14
    Madsen 44
    Donald 22
    Chappell 46

  18. Our stats so far are dire. Here's how many runs our opening partnership has produced: 2, 7, 0, 57, 15, 16, 33, 14, 90. On paper, we have a solid batting line up. But when it comes to matches, we don't seem to be able to sparkle. In the Northants game, our first eight players had all scored centuries in their career. Yet not one of them was able to make a hundred. Gay batted with the kind of skill and fluency that was lacking in our batsmen. He made batting look easy, even against the pace of Tickner, Dupavillon and Chappell.

  19. Taking the top 8 of Kris' list their career averages show an combined increase of 49 above what they are currently acheiving. Confidence? Without a Masood/du Plooy there is no bedrock other than Masden. One of our overseas slots should have gone to a batter without doubt.

  20. Apologies, Donald averages 28. Kris

  21. Chesterfield Blue21 May 2024 at 12:27

    Why has Sam Conners suddenly been forgotten about, will do no good for his confidence continually being left out of this team. It seems like Mickey feels he has to go with the overseas pair no matter what

  22. I get the impression that MA is currently drinking in the last chance saloon and that unless we see a vastly improved performance against Glos there could well be a premature parting of the ways. What do you think Steve?

    1. No I don't see anything happening mid-season. He is contracted to the end of 2025 but if we don't do well in the T20 and 50 over competitions the end of the season may see a review.

  23. I actually think the way Mickey talks he plans on staying beyond 2025. Yesterday he said post match this is a long term process of players playing in a certain fashion. This doesn't suggest to me that he sees 2025 as the end more like 2028 would be my interpretation of when he'd leave. That's only a six year stint, so I don't think he'll leave voluntarily. I'm now going to either amaze or disappoint most of you. Were I in charge of Derbyshire I would allow him to stay until 2028. Given our extremely poor history and coaches I don't feel we have anything to lose by allowing what would be considered as more than enough time to stamp his mark on the club. Most fans will I know disagree with me. But I believe something really radical is needed. This is not to say I won't come on here and criticise Mickey.
    Steve jr.

    1. He is also on record, however, in saying that he thinks 4 years is the point at which players stop listening to coaches and they need fresh input. It might be they do opt for the long-term, but it is a results driven business and if we don't get them in the intervening period It can only go one way...

  24. I personally would have gone with one overseas bowler and an overseas bat. If you sign 2 bowlers, you will have to leave out a Conners, or a Thomson. This could then affect the moral of some players, I don't know. Kris

    1. I agree Kris. A bat or all rounder (even someone like Hayden Kerr) would have been better. For Thomson not to be selected takes away confidence built up by 12 wickets. Conners won't improve by missing half of the cricket. I have said for a while recruitment unbalanced the squad and signing Morley makes no sense either if he isn't playing

  25. If it was me, I would prepare a result wicket at Derby and send out the likes of Thomson, Came and Conners, because I think those players are good enough to win some games, not every one, granted. I will back you if we lose. Kris


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