Sunday 19 May 2024

Derbyshire v. Northamptonshire day 3

Northamptonshire 422 and 195-2

Derbyshire 362 (Guest 76, Madsen 62, Whiteley 54, Lamb 52)

Northamptonshire lead by 255 runs

I don't very often listen to the commentary when I am watching the cricket. It's a different matter if I don't have visibility of the game, but I like to watch it in the company of my own thoughts, or talking with those around me. 

I made an exception for a few minutes this morning and as Derbyshire approached 250, with only three wickets down, there were discussions regarding our potentially declaring just before lunch tomorrow, leaving Northamptonshire a tricky couple of sessions to negotiate. 

It made me sit up. I have watched Derbyshire for long enough to know that positions of control can very easily be surrendered, even on a pitch that has been good for batting throughout. 

And so it came to pass that Derbyshire slipped from 253-3 to 288-8 in eight overs of madness. There was the second new ball, but some of the shots played left much to be desired. Were it not for a common sense half century by Ross Whiteley, where he cleverly farmed the strike in partnership with Daryn Dupavillon, we could easily have been facing a deficit of comfortably over a hundred.

Ross batted well, as did Guest, Lamb and Madsen, but no one is going on to the big innings that so often defines a match. Maybe what they are doing will be great in the forthcoming T20, but it doesn't work in this format. 

Northamptonshire extended their lead in the second innings, Gay approaching a century and Nair looking a player of class. With a lead of 255 overnight, they will likely set us 350 plus tomorrow, which will show just what aggressive brand of cricket we are supposed to be playing...

Watching the final session tonight, two thoughts crossed my mind. One, probably shared with a few of you, was why we went into this game, on this sort of pitch, in this kind of weather, without a specialist spinner.

The other was giving the benefit of the doubt and wondering whether David Lloyd might be used as a fifth bowler in the forthcoming T20. His off spin is fairly tidy and if utilised, even for a couple of overs, might allow Derbyshire to play an extra batter in that competition. 

More on that soon, but I really hope we make a better fist of a potential run chase tomorrow than we did after the second new ball today.


  1. Our ability to completely collapse is still unmatched. There’s plenty of promise in the team but putting together 4 days of good cricket seems impossible.

    Northants look intent on setting up a run chase so we could at least have a good days cricket to look forward to.

  2. Well what we saw not for the first time was reckless indiscipline in the batting during a mad period of the game.First up Guest gave it away with a shot he needn't have played. What we saw was a fishing contest, even Wayne gave it away today a man I admire so much as do all Derbyshire supporters. I'm putting those rash shots down to poor concentration and lack of Pavilion preparation by that I mean not being mentally prepared when you reach the middle. It's almost like they don't read the game situation and what is required of them as individuals. I'm guessing but I imagine Mickey will be seething, and saying to himself I don't know what more I can do. This is isn't about coaching what's taking place, its about players taking personal responsibility as reguards how you prepare in the time while you wait to bat and the final two minute walk to the stumps. Something is missing and my personal opinion is it's mental as much as it is technique. I'm now seriously beginning to think they need a professional phycologist because it's nothing short of ridiculous this throwing your wicket away. Probably the greatest Snooker player of all time has employed a man called Steve Peters at various times with great success. What he is expert at is clearing a Professional sportsman mind before competition. It appears to me the Derbyshire batsmen are in a complete state of confusion for far to much of the time. I've actually spent some time thinking about this during the day. Because something radical needs to be done because it's now beyond a joke. This constant flaw repeatedly appearing.
    You simply don't see the opposing teams do it anything like as much as Derbyshire.
    Steve jr

  3. I've said everything before - collapses, a lack of aggression, consistently inconsistent, and so on. I'll say one more thing: dot balls: look at how many we had towards at the end of our innings (Whiteley did okay but after a brief burst of power, he went into his shell). When Madsen was batting, even though he provided a glue), and look at how many Northants had at the start of their second innings. Northants looked fluent. We, not for the first time, always seem on the verge of getting out. To me, it seems we have a problem with collective psychology, if such a phrase exists.

  4. Talking about commentary, it was good to hear Mel Farrell with her enthusiastic insight. Made a refreshing change from the usual dour diatribe on offer...

    1. Unless something spectacular happens after tea Derbyshire are sliding towards another defeat, looking forwards to Mikey Arthur's latest excuse after he promised this game would be an improvement

  5. Chesterfield blue20 May 2024 at 15:57

    Absolutely pitiful stuff again by Derbyshire, Mickey has to go I'm afraid

    1. No point at this stage of the season CB. With the T20 coming up it is unlikely, but this isn't good at all, I agree


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