Monday 27 May 2024

Blog comments

Again, in the past few days, I have declined to publish two or three comments that I felt were getting a little too personal. Certainly for my taste, most definitely for those who the comments were about. 

We must all try to remember that these players go out everyday to try and do their best for our club. Success and failure comes for them, just as it does for you and I at our work. But when we do something wrong, no one jumps into print to criticise. 

The start to the season has been disappointing, but these have not suddenly become bad players. Some of them are very good indeed and the records they have amassed over their careers confirms that. 

There needs to be a collective deep breath and we wait to see how fortune changes with the advent of the Vitality Blast. I suspect we will win our fair share of games, though I am yet unsure as to how many.

But please remember - everyone - that players, board members, partners, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and team mates read this blog. I have done it for all these years and no one has taken exception about anything that I have printed or published. 

That cannot and must not change and I will reserve the right to decline publication of any comment that I feel is hurtful, personal, rude or unnecessary.

Keep comments to the point too, and it is easier for everyone to follow. And please remember either to create a Google account or to append a name when you send. I will never publish a critical, unsigned comment.

Thank you all, for your continued involvement!


  1. Thanks Steve and well said!Topspinner

  2. I think that's fair enough otherwise you descend into what can take place on formly what was twitter. I've actually never been on it but am more than aware what can take place on it. It's absolutely vicious were your blog anything remotely like it Steve then I wouldn't partispate. I wasn't aware that any players or officials read it Steve. I'll get my best jokes ready now.Lets be honest you have to have a sense of humour to follow Derbyshire.As someone who likes to to chat with the players on the boundary rope, may i take this opportunity to thank this season Blair Tickner, Daryn Du Pavilion, Luis Reece, Zak Chappel, Wayne Marsden, AlexThomson and Matt Lamb who to their huge credit have all given me the time of day this season.Im working on the rest of them. For some reason that i can't work out why Brooke Guest doesn't come anywhere near me, must be my aftershave maybe. ?
    Steve Jr.

    1. It will be nothing personal, Steve. Brooke is one of the nicest lads you could wish to meet. All of the Derbyshire players are happy to chat and it is good to see their interactions with supporters young and old. Unlike some stars in other sports...

    2. I remember back in 1991 I had a copy of John Shawcroft's"History of Derbyshire CCC" I asked John Morris to sign it for me which he happily did he then asked me if he could borrow my book and he took it into the dressing room and got everyone playing that day to sign it

    3. A good guy, John. Graeme Welch did the same for my lad a good few years back. They are usually happy to chat and they are no different to you and I..just ordinary blokes whose job is cricket

  3. Sent this a couple of times Steve about you missing the joke about Brooke. Taking the mickey out of you. The joke being I can't talk to Brooke because he's 60 yards away, the punch line was the aftershave. You missed the whole thing through and that made me laugh even through I was sat on my own. Hope you can see the funny side of it.
    Steve Jr.

    1. Yeah I got it, Steve no worries, just didn't want anyone to think that Brooke was aloof, as he isn't! The players walk around the boundary all the time and chat before and after the game. I just didn't want your joke misconstrued by anyone, as the Derbyshire lads are a really good bunch!


Please remember to add your name. Avoid personal comment at all times. Thanks!