Friday 31 May 2024

Further thoughts on last night

Contrary to some of the knee-jerk comments on social media, Derbyshire didn't get knocked out of the Vitality Blast last night. Nor did they relinquish any chance of progression, as this is a long haul competition. 

But they did throw away a very good chance to win the game, that had been earned by a tigerish fielding display, backing up some very good bowling. 

With the games coming thick and fast from here, we really need to have a strong idea of our best team, best batting order and best attack. It didn't seem that had been sorted last night, which is a shame, as well as disappointing. 

The sides that do best at T20 generally blast it from the outset. With the field largely in by necessity, there is the opportunity for powerful players to take the game away from opponents. Look at the England game last night, with Salt and Buttler against Pakistan's Rizwan and Babar. Or Nottinghamshire with Hales and either Duckett or Clarke in recent years, Lancashire with Jennings and Wells. I could go on..

You have 36 balls to inflict serious damage, score 70-80 runs and build a platform. The right players will do that. Last night there were THIRTEEN dot balls in our Powerplay, more than two maiden overs. You can't do that and expect to win many matches.

Were I selecting the Derbyshire side, I would go with Donald and Lloyd to open. Quick scorers both, from the outset, with the added bonus that it would allow Wayne Madsen to bat three. Since the format started, the understanding has always been that you want your better players facing as many balls as possible. Luis Reece is a very good cricketer, but he does take a few balls to get going and to not make full use of those first 36 deliveries is to give yourself a mountain to climb. 

Likewise, the position of Ross Whiteley needs to be fluid. The most powerful player in the side surely needs time to inflict maximum damage?  I do understand his role as a finisher, but you can finish from ten overs out just as easily - in fact, more so - than from five overs out. 

I understand that the left and right hand combination is preferred at the top of the order, but does that really bother bowlers at this level as much as those below? Again, my comment would be why not sign someone who batted left-handed who could play that role, if required? 

I was really frustrated by our only playing one overseas player last night. Not that I am saying Daryn Dupavillon is better than those who played, because on evidence so far he isn't, certainly at this format. But to put ourselves, through choice, in a situation where we play either a second spinner or the second overseas player is crazy. 

We all know that Zak Chappell is a very good bowler in T20. Last night we saw him mix up the pace and give a master class. So too did Pat Brown, whose variations are really quite something to behold. You are surely not going to omit either of those two from your first choice side, which then means you leave out Tickner or Dupavillon, if two spinners are required. 

There is not another side in the country who will voluntarily omit one of their overseas players from this competition...

If Dupavillon was injured or ill, it was a mistake in communications, because this was not announced. Otherwise a major error in recruitment has been made, because the balance of the side is wrong.

I thought Samit Patel handled things well in the field and he certainly had the support of his teammates. But he made a mistake in leaving the final over to Luis Reece. 

Luis hasn't even been a regular bowler for Derbyshire in this competition, so to entrust him with the final over was unnecessary pressure. He only has around 120 CAREER overs in the format. I could have understood it more had Northamptonshire been nine wickets down and we were hoping to bowl them out before the last over. But in the modern game, going into it with only 14 runs to defend is a tough gig. Luis did well to take it to the last ball after his first was a long hop that went for six, but he should never have been put in that position.

I read someone on social media say that 'all he needed to do was bowl six yorkers.' ALL... Obviously written by someone who has never had to do such a thing at any point, let alone in a pressure situation, because it ain't easy, especially when someone is trying to hit you a very long way.

Perhaps last night he was the best bowling option, but not for the last over. If Alex Thomson wasn't right for four overs, maybe he was the wrong selection, because as well as he did at the end of our innings, batting with Zak Chappell I don't see this as his format. Someone like Matt Carter could have done it, but they are very different bowlers.

So my team for Saturday, assuming everyone is fit, would be:

Whiteley (fluid role)

I would retain Reece, but better utilise the early overs. He could then rebuild, if things didn't go to plan.

But you see my point. After that we go to Old Trafford, where two spinners are usually required and we once again have to leave out an overseas player. 

Either that, or shoot ourselves in the foot by omitting one of our two best T20 bowlers. 

If we had signed an overseas batter who bowled a bit of spin, or a spinner who could handle a bat, the balance of the side would have been considerably better.

I will die on this particular hill.


  1. I agree Steve. You don't sign an overseas player for the T20 and not play them. Unless of course they are injured or have lost form. If you are unable to fit them in your side, it would suggest the type of player chosen is wrong. Natwest81

  2. David exiled in Lancs31 May 2024 at 09:09

    I continue with the comments I made in a previous thread. You cannot have Brown, Tickner and DuPavillon at 9, 10 and 11. It is too many non batsmen. We saw that yesterday with the important batting contributions of Thomson and Chappell batting 8 and 9.

    If this is an error in recruitment then so be it.

    As for last night, for such an experienced performer as Patel to leave Reece to bowl the last over is a major error.

    He had 3 bowlers who could have bowled at the death in Tickner, Brown and Chappell. When it was clear that we weren't going to bowl them out, leave 2 of those with an over each for overs 19 and 20. Every other captain in the country would have done that.

    Even village cricket captains would have done that.

    Ah well - we move on, and at least we haven't done any damage to our net run rate

  3. Having read both your comments closely Steve, and spoken to a couple of life long cricket friends who don't read your blog it appears you may be onto something concerning a spinner/batsmen as both said this without the other one knowing.I must confess during the winter I never even considered this option.So this begs the question what real scope or Wiggle room has Mickey left himself.? Are we left with shuffling the same pack of cards minus an ace.Having said that we're 1 game of 14 in so not until after Notts which will be be game 4 do I think we will really be able to tell whether a QF place is realistic or the squad is unbalanced.
    A week is a long time in Politics, it can also be in professional Sport.
    Steve jr.

  4. I take your point about playing both overseas, Steve, but that will give us a long and brittle tail. If we are, say, 140-7 with four or five overs left, we'll struggle to get to 160 let alone 180 plus. We shouldn't have recruited two overseas quicks unless one could also bat.

  5. Hi Steve,
    I agree about your comments about the overseas player. however, I don't agree with the criticism of Reece in the opening 6 overs. There were 13 dot balls in our innings, but there was 12 in the Northhants innings too. At the end of the powerplay we were 61.1 while they were 43.2. And at the time Reece was out (6.4 overs) we were 62/2 while they were 49/2.

    I believe we lost the game with our middle order, Guest, Patel and Whiteley failing to get in the game, score only 5 off 11 balls. To be fair to them , they had to deal with some fine bowling from Bopara and Willey, but that, I believe, made the difference.

    Reece should have bowled his 2nd over before somewhere between 10 and 15 overs: he's not a death bowler. And going forward, I would like to see Donald replace Guest and keeping wicket: Guest has the best technique and has done some good performances, but I think to win games in the Blast you need to take chances. We may lose games doing this but I expect more wins and close call defeats.

    I love your summaries Steve, so keep up the great work.


  6. We need a leg spin bowler for variation. So, Wagstaff plays, even if it's only 2 overs. The last over needs to be a specialist in that role. I believe if Khan, last year's overseas, had bowled it last night, we'd be sat here with 2 points. Kris

  7. Chesterfield Blue31 May 2024 at 10:56

    It's always been our achilles heel scoring too slowly in this format, how many players have we had who can smack 70 off 30, 50 off 20, not many at all if any. Reece and Wayne scored 59 between them last night, not bad but it took them 56 balls, way way too slow you just can't afford that in T20. Why do we find it so difficult to sign a T20 specialist batsman, it could make all the difference to this Derbyshire side?

    1. Good stay thay. Nearly half the innings.


  8. From last night I think many are overlooking 2 things:

    That pitch was not a 200 run surface, and they had 2 canny, experienced and ex international bowlers who proved difficult to get away. Let's credit the opposition, they turned the screw during the middle overs, which led to a couple of needless shots and dismissals. With Reece, unless he opens then I struggle to see how he plays. Coming in at 4, probably against spin/pace off, is not his forte.

    1. Yes, it wasn't a 200 pitch but 180 was possible with a little more savvy. 160 was defendable with the right tactics.

      If Reece isn't right for 4, there is Lamb, or Came or Wagstaff - a little lower but lithe in the field and a valid bowling option.

      There's also the option of elevating Chappell, who has shown a few times he can hit a ball! Harder against a newer one, but it comes off the bat quickly too..

    2. I agree, 180 was possible, but like I say they exerted pressure and we didn't cope with it. Two sides trying to win a game!

      We were 1 ball away from defending 160...

      It's all about opinions! But for MA it's now all about results. I'm confident of a positive outcome tomorrow. I'm not prepared to predict any others going forward though!

      I like Zak, but opening the batting? Would smack of desperation to me, one game in.

    3. Yeah sorry, by elevating I didn't mean opening. Just that scoring runs against a ball ten overs old is that bit harder than 15 and so on.

      I think Leics have recruited well and again with Goldsworthy today. Will be a tough game. Mulder back too, so game on for tomorrow!

  9. I think if you're going to keep Reece in the side then you've got to open with him.Hopefully Donald will be back to open with him and blast it around while Reece holds up one end.Lloyd,Madsen and Whiteley to follow would surely be enough firepowe to allow Reece to get in.Flipper.

  10. The main problem at the moment is that we are not used to winning matches. Winning can become a habit (so can losing).

    A side more confident and used to winning would have probably found a way to have won last night. I still believe that one win will bring start a run of further success.

  11. Have to say you are so right about the overseas choices.2 quicks who can't bat when we could have got a hitter in the middle order.We already have Brown and Chappell who are short format experts and with all our spin options their"s no need for quicks.Grasscutter.

    1. Chesterfield Blue31 May 2024 at 16:13

      Yep, bizarre recruitment last winter

  12. I have a feeling Arthur was after someone else as an additional overseas but it didn't materialise.

    Most counties will follow the format which I think works:

    1 overseas who is handy in all formats
    1 overseas who is available and specialises in the longer format
    1 overseas who is more of an out and out t20 specialist

    You can only play 2 in any one game but you can sign more and the t20 specialist need only rock up for a segment of the season.

  13. PJS

    The two immediate issues, maybe 3, that baffled me last night were:
    1] the ommission of Donald. That has now been explained [he was sick, right?] and so hopefully will return to open
    [I hear you arguments about Lloyd & Donald but I am employing my 'anchor' tactic]. As someone noted we were 61/1 at the end of the powerplay, despite those 13 dot balls! With Donald & Reece it can only get better.

    2] Reece given the final over. This was a shocker and I would welcome the coach or captain explaining the rationale. As mentioned there were other far more experienced T20 bowlers in the team, anyone of which should have delivered it. Yes, Reece almost pulled it off, but it was a very poor decision.

    3] Patel batting higher up the order... and failing. With Whiteley pushed down the order [having hit mutliple boundaries in the previous second XI match] seemed daft to me... Yes, he also failed, but I hope this is not repeated, get Whiteley in earlier.

    I thought Thompson & Chappell deserve more credit, their partnership made a match of it. I am now more convinced, however, that Wagstaff be given a chance, with Reece & Lloyd, making up a 'fifth' bowler, but not the last over!

    Calls for Guest to be replaced as wicket keeper seems far too premature. I'd move him down the order to act as the second anchor, allowing others around him to cut loose ...


  14. I'd not be adverse to sending in Chappell at 3 with license to go slog city.

    It won't come off often so it's a gamble but with little downside as he's hardly going to hang about eating up dot balls, the flipside would be that with the field in there is always a chance he contributes a rapid and match defining knock given the distance the ball goes when he's batting.


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