Monday 13 May 2024

Excellent day for second eleven

Another excellent day for the second team at Belper, as they racked up an impressive 398-3 against Leicestershire.

Harry Came top-scored with 150, before being dismissed in the closing overs, while Anuj Dal made an unbeaten 137. Matt Lamb earlier made a run-a-ball 76, after Mitch Wagstaff went earlier. 

The visiting attack was of a decent standard, with both Josh Hull and Matt Salisbury in it, as well as Roman Walker, but Derbyshire scored at a steady four an over throughout the day. 

I wouldn't read too much into the team, in so far as the Northamptonshire might be. Chappell, Brown and Conners were in the side, as well as the returning Nick Potts and Alex Thomson, but the eleven that finishes this game will likely be very different to that which started it. 

It is good that those who needed it got good time in the middle today. Hopefully those bowlers can get into a nice rhythm over the next day or so. 

Northamptonshire were beaten today, so this weekend's game will see two sides struggling for wins competing. Hopefully the weather allows a good game to take place. Although Derbyshire sit bottom of the table after this round of matches concluded, we could easily move up with a win. 

The main difference between us and the rest is that we have so far only accumulated four batting bonus points in five matches. 

Room for improvement and hopefully we see that this weekend.


  1. This match will finish Thursday so no conflict with the Northants game which starts on Friday 👍

  2. Robert Hepworth13 May 2024 at 22:03

    Have you seen this piece on our Captain, Peakfan ? Look it’s really kind that Derbyshire have helped him (and Glamorgan are my second love as an adopted Welshman) but do you seriously think that making him Captain was justified ? Would any other County have even recruited him ?

    1. H, but i Robert yes I read it earlier. Honestly, as the sitting skipper of another county - and in the absence of any real alternative at the club - he seemed a best option to me on signing.

      Brooke Guest was the only option within and it would ask so much of him to keep, bat 3 (potentially):and skipper.

      Maybe if Samit wanted all formats he was an option but there are no others. Maybe Nuj..?

    2. **Hi Robert** stuttering fingers there!

    3. Interesting article and one that again highlights the demands on the mental wellbeing of employees, never mind cricketers.

      I had a similar personal situation many years ago, in another line of work entirely. Everything got too much, and it was a dreadful time. However, two good people offered me a 'home' and a positive environment where they supported me to build my confidence back up and we all went from strength to strength.

      It absolutely was a calculated risk on their part but their trust, metaphorical arm around the shoulder and letting me rebuild was just an incredible act of professional empathy and personal care.

      Our skipper has the knowledge and experience, and as I was promised, and it later was proven, you've still 'got it' to make a difference.

      I wish him so well. He deserves good things, and that level of honesty can only help other players too.


  3. Steve, I wonder why Luis Reece isn't considered captain material? He is our longest serving player after Wayne and I would have thought he possesses the required qualities of leadership and loyalty.

    1. Maybe he likes to focus on his own game? Not heard his name mentioned in that context but I have massive respect for him as player and man. But there are those who like to lead and others are happy to follow and do their best. I am glad we have him!


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