Tuesday 4 June 2024

Two wins for Seconds against Nottinghamshire

Derbyshire easily won the first of today's double header Second Eleven T20 against Nottinghamshire. 

David Lloyd scored 58, Harry Came 56 and Luis Reece 54 from 32, 33 and 45 balls respectively, as Derbyshire amassed 206-4 in 20 overs. 

Despite a half century by Hasib Hameed, Nottinghamshire were never in the hunt and were 160-9, with three wickets for Nick Potts and two each for Mitch Wagstaff and Pat Brown. Daryn Dupavillon returned figures of 1-19 in his four overs.

The scorecard can be seen here

In the second game, Derbyshire made 194-4 with  Wagstaff making 53 from 29 balls and Reece 61 from 39 balls. Anuj Dal made  31 from 26 balls, while Yusaf bin Naeem blasted an unbeaten 29 from just 16 deliveries. A younger attack made regular inroads into the Nottinghamshire batting and they were 171 all out. The oft-impressive leggie, Harris Ajaz, taking 3-29, Alex Thomson 2-24 and Sam Conners 2-27, despite another half century for Hameed

The scorecard can be seen here

Two good wins then - we would settle for the same on Friday night!

Finally - and its a shame to have to write this - last night some clown sent a lot of messages, purporting to be from regular correspondents but in pretty unnecessary language they wouldn't use. They must have taken a fair amount of time to write, but literally took five seconds to mass delete. 

Anyway the IP address used is blocked and they will now go straight to trash. They will never be published anyway, as the system is set so anything with a swear word is automatically deleted anyway, before I get to approve it.

Just to save you a little time, should you try it again..


  1. Oh come in PF Steve Jr goes on a bit but isn't that bad... ;)

    As for the t20 all about how you end not how you start.

    Essex fan

  2. Hopefully the team can carry their form across from the seconds! Didn't the seconds do very well in the t20 past year as well? I seem to recall Dal having trouble carrying over his hitting.

    Thanks for your efforts to keep the blog clean and balanced. Some of the never ending negativity elsewhere is very tedious. I enjoy your brand of optimistic realism and always find it fair and balanced.

    1. Thanks Hamez. I would sooner not blog than allow it to degenerate. Criticism is fine, if fair and not personal. I won't publish if it is personal to county staff OR other contributors - unless it is an obvious joke, like Essex fan above!

  3. Keep up the good work Steve , it’s informative and appreciated

  4. Hello Steve. I'm surprised to see that Ben Slater has been playing for Chesterfield - and scoring lots of runs.

    1. He has played on and off for years at Chesterfield, just depends on his county commitments. But he doesn't play T20 for Notts so this is a time he can often do so

    2. He might play for Notts, but he's a Spireite 🩵

  5. The seconds (I know there has been many of the first team playing) seem to have nailed the T20, with four wins out of five, and the top order scoring runs.

    The plan has worked. Who is in charge of the seconds?

    Can the first team do this on Friday?

    1. Chris Highton is in charge with support from Alex Hughes. Seems to be some good lads emerging from the Academy which helps too!

  6. Let's hope we can encourage our Academy players to develop their talents and hang on to them!

  7. Do you think we can encourage Alex Hughes out of retirement?
    Know of course it was to coach, but he's still only in his early 30's.
    He could fill the Dan Christian role.
    I'm half tongue in cheek, but reallythink he would still be an asset to the current side..

    1. Always felt him massively underrated and a key member of the T20 side especially. I doubt it, to answer the question, but would love us to find the MK2 version from somewhere!


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