Saturday 29 June 2024

Radio interview from last night

If you would like to have a listen to my thoughts on recent events at Derbyshire, as told to Matt Rhodes of North Derbyshire radio last night, you can hear them at the link here

The interview is at the 36 minute mark and lasts for the best part of 20 minutes. 

I hope that you enjoy it!


  1. I did enjoy the interview very much although the questions were put to you in a rambling but personnable way. I agreed with everything you said Steve and in fact admired your frankness on the present situation at the Club. Since you act as an arbitrator onn the Blog, your own opinions are not always obvious. You handled it all brilliantly and I hope , as all true Derbyshire supporters do , that changes are made very soon to address the issues you discussed.

  2. Hit the nail on the head from my perspective, as I sit in the car 45-6 on Day 1


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