Wednesday 26 June 2024

Middlesex v Derbyshire day 4

Middlesex 433 and 302

Derbyshire 339 and 202 (Chappell 50, Thomson 41, Bamber 3-48, Brookes 3-29)

Middlesex won by 194 runs

Where do I begin..?

The older ones among you might have thought I was starting the old Andy Williams theme from Love Story, but there is so much to say after Derbyshire's latest defeat. It leaves them anchored to the bottom of division two and it is fair to say that we are, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst team in the country at four-day cricket.

I could write a full account of why that is, but it could turn into War and Peace. Suffice to say, I feel that the time is approaching when an overhaul of the coaching staff is required. 

When he started, Mickey Arthur said that he thought four years was about right for the duration of a coaching role, that players stopped taking on board the message at that point. I don't think that message has been getting through this year, but there are so many things wrong at the moment. 

These are not bad players. They have not become bad players, but they're not producing their best form and in any sport the buck stops with the coach or manager. The questions have to be asked and need to be answered - why is there such disparity between our best and worst form? Why do we more frequently show the latter? Can you do anything to change this, or has that train left the station?

We did okay on day one, very well on day two, battled hard and kept focused in the field on day three, then collapsed (again) on the final day. 

It was no surprise that Luis Reece didn't last long today. He was caught exhaustion, bowled strategy, having bowled 25 overs on top of his century in very hot weather. Off the pitch for just over eight overs in three days, the question has to be asked why he bowled more overs yesterday than Sam Conners and Daryn Dupavillon combined? Sam hasn't played much cricket this year, Daryn is supposedly our overseas strike bowler and Middlesex ran through our batting with seam, while Alex Thomson pretty much bowled at one end for Derbyshire and they ran around the outfield.

Fair play to Alex, the only real resistance today came from him and Zak Chappell, the only two of our bowlers who can look at their averages in this format without flinching. But why didn't Sam bowl at the end yesterday, when Middlesex were slogging it, maybe take two or three wickets and get his confidence up and average down?

He has only six wickets at 73 this season, while Anuj Dal, usually so reliable, has just eight at 68 and only averages 16 with the bat. Dupavillon has nine at 49, while Tickner took eight at 61. Sam and Nuj are good players but something is stifling them, preventing anything close to their best form. I don't think either overseas have been the requisite standard - decent players of course, but not 'overseas and the pressures it presents' level. 

We haven't seen Nick Potts this year and I feel his development has been blocked by that overseas recruitment. He might not make the standard, but how can we tell? Had he been fit, how much cricket would Ben Aitchison have got? Pat Brown has only had two matches and I wouldn't blame Conners at all if he thought his best interests might be served away from Derbyshire. 

I also feel for David Lloyd, who hasn't produced his best form in 4-day cricket. I know he has been carrying an injury, which hasn't helped, but perhaps he needs to drop down the order and have a break from the new ball. 

It is a mess. Overseas recruitment made me fear for this at the start of the year, but I actually think we are in a worse place right now than we were under Dave Houghton. That is something I never expected to write.

The rest of the Blast and the 50 over competition, for me, is last chance saloon for Mickey Arthur. Supporters would probably be more understanding if opportunity was given to players who are worthy of it. Harry Came, Nick Potts, Mitch Wagstaff for sure, but let's see Bin Naeem and Moore get a game in the one-day cup. There would be no expectation of dominance, nor even success at this stage. But we need to be seen to do something. Perhaps offering experience at this stage unearths a gem requiring only additional polish.

I don't look around the current playing staff and see a single player in anything approaching their best form. Even the more reliable, players like Guest, Madsen and Chappell, are treading water gingerly, while others are in danger of subsiding beneath the waves.

Why is that? Questions need asked about the playing environment, the mental attitude of the dressing room and the handling of both players and recruitment.

The Derbyshire Head of Cricket said at the start of the season that he now had HIS team. That being the case, there are major reasons for concern and the time is fast approaching when enough is enough.

There will doubtless be the usual comments. 'I am hugely disappointed,' 'We are hurting,' 'We weren't brave,' 'We are making the wrong decisions at key moments'. But the excuses are wearing as thin as my hairline.

When even optimistic old Peakfan is saying that, you know there are problems.


  1. Can't argue with any of your comments PF. Derbyshire at the moment are a first class team in name only. I believe there are so many problems within the club, I really don't know how they can be easily resolved. A decent starting point though has to be a serious post season evaluation of the coaching structure and whether we are getting value for money from what is probably a significant wage for MA.

  2. I don't think we are, Dave. Between salary, accommodation, flights and a car, I suspect you could get two pretty good overseas players.

    For me, that would have a greater likelihood of improving our fortunes than having a high reputation, low achievement coach in post

  3. Chesterfield Blue26 June 2024 at 19:30

    We are simply a laughing stock masquerading as a professional county Cricket outfit. There's no way we should be losing that game with one day to play and 10 wickets still in hand, but we're Derbyshire and that's what we do, and very well at that.
    There simply has to be a review on Mickey Arthur's remaining season as soon as this one finishes, infact I'd expect a decision to be made before then as it's just not happened under his leadership You could even argue that we've regressed, and boy that would've took some doing. Simply poor Derbyshire!

  4. That game was mostly lost on the afternoon session of the first day when Middlesex added 200 for the last 3 wickets. Take those 200 runs off and the game is an awful lot closer, does not excuse a dismal display with the bat today.

    The figures you give for the bowlers highlight that a number of them just are not producing the goods frequently enough.
    Questions should be being asked of the bowling coach.
    I suspect Reece bowled more overs as he had taken a couple of wickets and the others have not exactly been on fire.

    Not sure what the atmosphere is like in the dressing room and whether it is helping players perform to the peak of their abilities.

  5. Well I fully understand your above comments. I have been a member for 49 years. However I am starting to question why I should continue my support for the country I truly love. I can see no light at the end of the tunnel . We seem to have forgotten how proud any player ought to be to wear the colours. Youngsters from our county are overlooked, How can they develop without playing. Good cricketers are not performing to the level expected. I have never witnessed such a poor bowling attack, at one time our strength. The bowlers regularly bowl four balls in every over. What happened to line and length. Every county we play ends up with centurions or worse. I don't like being the stock of the first class game it hurts. I agree Steve time for change in the back room I have not seen any improvement in batting or bowling, what's going on. Rant over. Still hurting and embarrassed.

  6. To be honest we can all rant and rave about how bad we are, we do it after every game and have done for years. We can all see it's a mediocre group of players being coached appallingly. Its just totally baffling that despite the club being in a profitable position year on year, we still make awful decisions cricketing wise. We are light years away from being anything close to a successful team. We still have the One Day Cup to come but I will be stunned if we finish anywhere other than last or 2nd last.

    You mentioned Sam Conners potentially leaving, well this is confirmed, he's already agreed a deal with Lancashire (yes I was stunned too!) He will likely join them on loan for the One Day Cup as well so we will definitely be seeing Potts and Moore in the 50 over team.

    1. I haven't heard that, Nige, but it does not surprise me. He needs to be playing more cricket and he is a far better bowler than his figures and his limited opportunities show.

      We will await any announcement on that in due course but if this is true I would regard it as our loss and their gain

    2. If that's true (and I don't doubt it) he'll be yet another who's moved on because his progression at Derbyshire has been stalled by poor coaching and dubious team selections. No doubt Harry Moore will be the next name on the list once he's old enough to sign professionally. No way we're keeping him.

  7. It's as dispiriting as it gets now. Amir coming needs to be a catalyst for better, but just can't see it as things stand.
    Sometimes, a manager just doesn't fit or work out and a decision has to be made.
    We used to be a cricket club with a commercial operation attached. Right now, it's beginning to feel as if that reversed,and hard to muster up any energy for the festival, aesthetics and Chesterfield CC cake obviously excepted.


  8. At work so didn't get chance to look at the scores until 16:50.
    We're fans here, so you'll all know that feeling of trepidation that comes with peeking at the Derbyshire score so late in the day. I predicted a draw last night, but knew it would be tough.
    That was worse than imagined though, I can only guess at how low the players must be feeling.

    We may as well stick with MA now, not sure about next season at all though. It plainly isn't working in four day cricket, not great in shorter formats either. But no doubt it depends on finances if we need to relieve him of his duties Something I didn't think I'd be writing either!

    Regarding the current bunch of players I tend to look to your opinions PF, you are far more experienced and in the know, which is one of the reasons I value your opinion.
    Messers Reece, Thompson and Chappell had a good game. Not sure about Wayne at the moment, could it be the eye to ball reaction is slowing ever so slightly - or is it just form, like so many at the moment?

    1. I think Wayne has been struggling with his shoulder since winter surgery and the fall that he had on it. It is inevitable that time will catch up with him, as with all of us. I still think he has plenty to offer, Dave, but it might be that next year is his last.

      A sobering thought and at this stage I have no idea how they replace him.

    2. Do you think he would be interested in a player/coach role? Craig

    3. Maybe.. the vacancy could come up at the right time. I have no doubt his communication skills and general approachability will be big factors. Could he handle conflict? There will always be some and I don't know the answer to that

  9. As recently as last season I would have classed ourselves and Leicestershire as the weakest county teams. Leicestershire got rid of Paul Nixon and then lost 3 of their big name players. 12 months on they are unrecognisable and seem to have a competitive and winning mentality. We need to try something similar. We are a poorer team than when Mickey Arthur was appointed and it is time for him to go. I believe we will finish last in all three competitions and that is nothing short of disgraceful !

    1. Good shout. If Derbyshire can appoint a coach NOW who the players both respect , want to listen to AND like, then the path forward could be positive

  10. I said at the time he was appointed it wouldn't work. Not on here necessarily but to my cricket mates. Elite coach taking on a bunch of rejects.

    It's like.Klopp taking over the Dog and Duck.

    He has to go. Now. Get a man who understands the county system..

    He should have gone last year when he went back to Pakistan.

    He totally disrespected us at that time..

    Bye Bye Micky. Please

  11. Chesterfield Blue26 June 2024 at 20:50

    I often wonder what sort of rapport Mickey has with the players as we all know he has a take no prisoners personality and maybe some players have never taken to him. I might be way off the mark but three seasons in and with no signs of any improvement something isn't right in that changing room

  12. What a disappointing season. We haven't even looked like winning a (red ball) game. At least last season we did come close a few times. At a time when a County needs to be relevent we either need to be competitive or promoting young players through the system. At the moment we are doing neither.

    It will be interesting to see if any or what changes are made for Chesterfield. Does David Lloyd's place begin to come under threat ? We did drop Billy Godleman in previous seasons.

    With Day One of Chesterfield being the ex-players day maybe if a few bring kit they may get a game.

    1. I think Lloyd should drop down and give himself a breather in the middle order. Came or Wagstaff coming in

  13. According to Cricinfo, Guest was given out LBW to a ball that was clearly drifting down the leg side. That apart, how on earth did we perform a sort of deja vu and collapse again before lunch just as we did yesterday? It needed stand of 71 between Thomson and Chappell to nudge our score to something like respectability but after their dismissal we slumped to inevitable defeat.

    Cricinfo also reveals that our last red ball victory was 25 matches ago. This is shocking. It wouldn't be so bad if sometimes we showed some fight and competed properly. In not one of our defeats this season have we remotely looked like winning. Our bowling is all over the place and our batting suffering from a crisis in form and confidence. If he were in charge of this shambles in any other sport MA would have been sacked. Things clearly will not improve while he stays.

    With regard to Leicestershire, I recommend all Derbyshire supporters to look at their scorecard today. A previously unremarkable player called Louis Kimber, batting at number 8, scored 243 and in the process a double century in a world record time. Within our ranks we have a player who previously held this record. Please, Aneurin Donald, repeat that performance for us one day soon!

  14. We collapsed in the first innings, after a good start. We collapsed in the second innings after a good start. We have done this so often, not just this season but previous seasons.

    As you say., Steve, we have become worse than under Houghton. I like Mickey's positivity, but it isn't being matched on the pitch.

    In contrast, Paul Fabace at Sussex, who has also coached at international level, seems to be doing a much better job than Mickey.

  15. Two words i forgot to say: Brian Clough. Somehow, he managed to turn, mostly, average payers into winners at both Derby and Forest. He created self belief and a winning mentality. He was also unorthodox in his approach to training. And the players loved him because he made them believe winning was possible. When Mickey arrived at Derbyshire in 2022, I thought we would see something similar. But it hasn't happened.

  16. I don't blame the players I blame the coach. I'm not one for sacking people but enough is enough. An interim boss couldn't do worse than this. We're paying a king ransom for utter mediocrity and a lot of sound bites. It's beyond embarrassing and the club need to act

  17. The squad is a bit unbalanced. We need a second spinner for Chesterfield, but don't have one, unless Samit Patel is talked into playing. With regards to this game, we have simply forgotten how to win and that is dangerous, regardless of playing ability. Yorkshire is a bad game next up, one can only hope an outground wicket makes it an open game. Kris

  18. Like many on here, I’ve supported Derbyshire for years now through thin and thin, however this season ranks as one of the most dispiriting. For weeks we’ve described the performances as underwhelming but that’s just being generous. Think shambolic would be a more fitting description of playing matters. Inconsistent with bat and ball. We have a good session or even a good day but you know full well that the following day will see us collapse.

    Something needs to change and quickly otherwise we will continue to decline.

    I will attend the Chesterfield festival but mainly because of the delightful venue and likelihood of meeting old friends rather than the cricket that leaves a lot to be desired at the moment.


    1. I agree entirely about Chesterfield. I rashly purchased tickets for all 5 days of cricket there a few months ago. As it's a 90 mile round trip and I recently had a knee replacement operation I'm wondering if it's worth making the effort to go there.

  19. Guest and Thomson were both given bad LBW decisions. You could argue that Guest was a big wicket at that point, but it's debatable if it would have made a difference. I don't believe umpiring is as good as 20 years ago, personally. Kris

    1. I thought the decision for Guest especially poor. It came back a long way, down the slope and was missing leg stump. It was a factor, but these things generally even out

  20. Tim, Chesterfield27 June 2024 at 08:46

    Winning days of four day cricket isn't easy. It's very hard in fact. However, I think the latest defeat means we have reached 25 first class fixtures since we last won (at Worcester in 2022). By any measure, that's a damning statistic and one that paints MA's tenure in a very poor light.

    1. I think that is the problem with recruiting with an eye on T20. Games come very quickly, you win some, you lose some. But that is a poor record in 4 day and one that we need to address. Quickly!...

  21. It saddens me to see the despondency, but understand it as have been there to an extent.

    I appreciate its not like for like as we despite being a smaller county, have larger revenue, membership, player pool, recent success than you guys, but Essex were in the doldrums relatively of stuck in div 2 for years, underperforming relative to the players we had, at least in supporters opinions, and never seemingly making progress. that is until Paul Grayson was finally sacked, Ronnie Irani (Not shy in holding back or calling a spade a spade and John Faragher came in and shook things up to great success).
    I think Arthur was linked with us back then but fans were disappointed when Grayson's number 2 and bowling coach Chris Silverwood was appointed as head coach. The rest as you are no doubt familiar with is history. Transformational. A focus on developing our own with some astute signings and we won promotion and then the CC, and have been up there ever since, and without spending big bucks, as we simply don't have them

    I'm not saying you can go on and win the CC, but nothing to stop you being in the mix for promotion each year or battling it out in div 1. If Northants, Gloucs and Kent can, anyone can.

    Getting the right man in charge is crucial, and i don't think Arthur is on the wavelength of players of county level.

    Although I do think some of your players are slightly overrated on here, and dining out on the season of flat pitches (when masood scored buckets) e.g. Anuj Dal as a case in point, and your recent signings of ageing t20 specialists is a big mistake imo and a waste of money. Your overseas are poor and getting that right is crucial. they really should be 2 of the best 4 players in the side who are relied on to produce week in week out and dependable. Yours again this season are IMO a waste of money as they are little, if any, better than what you already have (we have opposite problem, our young seamers have been found massively wanting so we have signed a pretty nondescript emergency O/S in Ethan Bosch to fill in), as well as Lloyd and Lamb who i really don't think cut it at first class level(i don't see them as better than youngsters given a chance, who would be both cheaper and more keen to do well for there own county (not saying Lamb and Lloyd are not - but always better for fans and players to be homegrown)) but some of the signings have been good, Chappell, Donald for example, and i think there are a lot of good players at Derbyshire who should be doing better,

    Don't give up hope it only takes the right coach and a couple of astute O/S players. I really think Arthur should be dispensed with if affordable, and wonder what what someone like spoons, recently quit Sri Lanka, could do for you. A proven winner at county level, who knows how to get the best out of underperforming players and developing ones. The only issue there is the family is, or was based near Newmarket, so Derbyshire may be a bit of a trek (although not that far) and he's always wanted to be as close as possible to there. Derby is a damn sight closer than Colombo mind...

    Oh and PF as ever the blog is so very much appreciated even to non Derbyshire supporters such as I, so don't be put off by the odd troll in the comments. Is it who i think it might be?! : 0

    Essex Fan

  22. I guess the fundamental question is…How long do we give Mickey ? 25 Championship games without a win and favourites for the wooden spoon this year . With the cricket budget likely to be one of the smallest the ROI of Lakmal , Haider Ali ,Tickner ,Dupavillon and the Head Coach don’t make great reading tbh .In addition Whiteley and Patel were short term signings and white ball focused . I do wonder if a certain Wayne Madsen could step up and build something from grass roots , he fully understands the Club ,County Cricket and I suspect would have the respect of the staff . Dare to Dream …can’t get any worse tbh

  23. Like everyone else, I'm disappointed by the lack of progress under Mickey, so far. However, we could still do well in the T20 if we put together a good run in our last games, like we did in 2022 when we won five in a row. I say could. And we could do well in the one-day cup. So, I'm not prepared to write Mickey off just yet.

    For this to happen, though, we need our players to out there with self-belief and a winning mentality.

    Perhaps I'm being too optimistic. But I'm more glass half full than glass half empty.


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