Saturday 22 June 2024

Middlesex v Derbyshire County Championship preview

It is back to red ball cricket for Derbyshire tomorrow, as they head to Lord's and a 4-day game against Middlesex. 

The game sees a likely return for Luis Reece and Sam Conners, with Daryn Dupavillon the lone overseas. The squad is as follows:

Lloyd, Reece, Guest, Madsen, Lamb, Donald, Whiteley, Dal, Chappell, Thomson, Conners, Dupavillon, Brown.

I couldn't predict a final eleven without knowledge of the pitch, but perhaps Brown will earn a rest after the T20 and one of the batters will miss out.

Richard Johnson has named a squad of 14 for Middlesex, who include former Derbyshire man Leus du Plooy:

Toby Roland-Jones (Captain)
Ethan Bamber
Henry Brookes
Jack Davies (Wicket-keeper)
Josh De Caires
Leus du Plooy the game is set fair
Stephen Eskinazi
Nathan Fernandes
Ryan Higgins
Max Holden
Luke Hollman
Ishaan Kaushal
Sam Robson
Mark Stoneman

Middlesex are second in the table, while  Derbyshire are bottom and yet to win a game in this format. The weather is set fair for the duration but it would be hard to predict a Derbyshire win, the way we have been playing pretty much since April.

I'm going to go for a draw here, hope that the result goes our way but would not be surprised if it went the way of the home team. 

What do you think? 


  1. After the debacle of the 4 day game I was looking forward to the T20. After the further debacle of the T20 I'm now looking forward to the football season. Our cricket season is over

    1. Chesterfield Blue23 June 2024 at 07:47

      My thoughts entirely Simon

  2. As I live in London, I'm going to Lords tomorrow afternoon. But, given the way the season has panned out, my expectations are not high when it comes to a good Derbyshire performance. It will be interesting to see Leus du Plooy and also Ethan Bamber, who I think is very talented and could get an England call-up.

  3. So difficult to be positive if their isn't anything to be positive about. My past experiences tell me Derbyshires season could quickly unravel in a rush Steve. I've seen it maybe 15 to 20 times and that's not an exaggeration in over 55 years of attendance. This is what this club does it fails consistently their isn't a person alive I wouldn't argue with about this. Of course we've had our victories and some good days. But theirs no getting away or dressing it up we are on the field of play LOSERS and unfortunately so far Mickey simple doesn't know how to change that fact. I've repeatedly said I genuinely like the man and I genuinely do, but his post match interviews are now becoming extremely difficult for Mickey because you find yourself repeating past failures and the whole interview becomes the same as the previous interview and for fan perception Steve that is not a good look.
    Steve jr.

  4. So many excellent comments on the Notts match on here Steve, and I don’t just want to repeat them in a lesser form. So I’ll confine myself to saying that I’ve got no idea why we re-signed Whiteley and I’ve no idea why he’s in the squad for tomorrow when Came isn’t. Also that if Conners and Lamb aren’t in tomorrow, I’ve finally got to a point where I’d rather have the early 1970s captaincy back (i.e. pre-Barlow). Everything about the current regime is confusing and confused. Weirdly, I still rate Mickey Arthur, but we do need to straighten things out!
    Andy T

  5. Having listened to Ben Smith's interview today I am struggling to understand why a club of Derbyshire's size requires both Mickey Arthur and Ben Smith? whatever the rationale behind it is in reality it's it's not working

  6. Cam Fletcher ?

    1. Only signed for T20 and was injured and batting with a runner against Notts, anyway

  7. I expect us to lose but I live in hope! Isn't Henry Brookes also a former Derbyshire appearance maker, albeit a short-term loan?


    1. At one point on his debut Brookes had an incredible 6 wickets for 9 runs. What we'd give for that today, I took a photography of the score board given it was his debut.
      Steve jr.

  8. Chesterfield Blue23 June 2024 at 07:47

    On to the Royal London cup for me now as the rest of the season is over already. I might fleetingly look to see how we're getting on but little enthusiasm left for the duration of the championship and T20 campaigns. I expect others are feeling the same way

  9. A Leus Du Plooy century seems inevitable :(

  10. Isn't it sad that we are constantly talking in a negative way about our Derbyshire.It's not the coaches fault he can only do so much it's the mindset of the players..Mickey will have learned a lot from this season and I think we should stick with him and give him the chance to put things right.Grasscutter.

  11. Donald shouldn't be batting at 5 untill theirs more evidence he can bat for 4 or 5 hours more regularly. You don't break the Reece/Came partnership up on the strength of 4 poor Championship games given the second half of last season. If your Surrey and you want to do it then maybe as you want to win the CC. Who given that we're a FAILING team is the future for Derbyshire Lloyd or Came. ? quite apart from the fact their 33 ad 25 respectively a massive eight seasons of difference.If we're SERIOUSLY going to challenge then by all means go with Lloyd otherwise Lloyd bats instead of Lamb lower down the order. This is called statigic thinking for when in 2025 your STILL in Division 2. Came remember had by as much as it's possible restored a little bit of confidence with a Century in the second eleven.Given that he doesn't play t20 where does any enlightened person think Harry's head is right now. ? You only drop someone after four games if you can honestly say 1 individual is costing you the game conclusively was that true, was it not the team in general that we're nowhere near good enough.? This is not smart coaching when we've failed anyway.
    Steve jr.

  12. Inevitable that in near tropical heat we would lose the toss and spend the day chasing leather. Also inevitable that du Plooy would get a big score......

  13. And breathe!!!! We WILL get better.

    1. Chesterfield Blue23 June 2024 at 19:07

      It's three years in Sam so I'd have expected things to be getting slightly better than now. We haven't improved under Mickey Arthur's tenure, just gone sideways and he's had a bigger budget to work with than Dave Houghton ever did. Things should be much better but in typical Derbyshire fashion they're simply not

  14. Too right Sam all this negativity won't help.We are having a pretty good day as it stands.Grasscutter


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