Monday 31 July 2023

Talks available in the coming months

Following the death of my father, I have been spending more time travelling from our home to support Mum, who still lives at home on the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border.

That is likely to continue over the next few months and I have now managed to secure a flexi retirement with my work, so I will only be working two days a week.

I plan to retire at the end of September 2024 and at that point I will also retire from public speaking, having done many talks for cricket clubs and societies over the past few years.

Being down there more often affords opportunity to fit a few extra talks in over the Winter and Spring months, and I am happy to consider any offers that may be out there for negotiable fees. 

If you are involved in a cricket club or society who might be interested in stories of Derbyshire cricket, blogging, meeting heroes, being mistaken for Elton John and being offered players for Derbyshire by overseas agents, please get in touch. is the email address and I could notionally be available Thursday to Sunday to do a talk for you, other days possible with plenty of notice 

But once I retire from work, that's it. When it's gone, it's gone, as the old advert used to say. 

Hopefully I can catch up with a few blog regulars!


  1. Good Luck in advance of your retirement. I currently work from home as I can look after my Mom with Dementia so I understand how hard it is to fit everything in.

  2. Thank you David, I appreciate that

  3. Hi Steve, I found your epitaph to your father on here incredibly moving. My mother passed last September, and no matter what the age, it leaves an incredible void. Your words to your Dad, while touching me deeply, helped too. For that alone I'm glad I found this blog.
    My father is still with us at home at 94, living in North Wales, but not the man of even 12 months ago.
    So I too wish you well Steve. My only regret is there's not enough interest in Derbyshire cricket over here, to hire you for a night.

    1. Thanks Dave, appreciate your kind words, mate


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