Tuesday 2 July 2024

Derbyshire v Yorkshire day three

I'm not going to write too much tonight, because I am tired and frustrated. 

After the game against Yorkshire finished, Mickey Arthur said that the 'genuine fans' need to get behind Derbyshire. He's right to a point, I class myself as 'genuine fan', in my 57th year of supporting the club and seventeenth year of writing about them. 

But I left at lunch today, when the writing was on the wall and I preferred getting back to Scotland, to my wife and dogs, rather than another night in a hotel room. When my journey in each direction to the festival took longer than it did Derbyshire to bat, I think I'm entitled to voice my frustration, as anyone is in this world. 

You can support, yet disagree. You can follow, but air your misgivings. I and others will do that and continue to do so. Such is the way with professional sport. I can't speak for others, in and around the club, but I will always be honest - when performances deserve praise, I am happy to give it, but you have to take the rough with the smooth. The level of performance this year has been unacceptable and in any professional sport, the buck stops with the coach. 

What I found really odd in the post-match interview was when he talked about the toss and said that if Yorkshire had batted first and scored 450, we would have been out of the game. But they wouldn't have done that. I spoke to a number of people who have played a lot of cricket on that ground and they were all incredulous that you would opt to bat on such a bright green, first morning surface. When the opposition feel the same, there is a major misreading of conditions and not for the first time. You cannot make a decision on what 'might' happen in three days time, only on what is in front of you.

You have to assess, he said, whether the first session of the game will be tougher to navigate than the fourth innings. Fair enough, to a point, but when you win the toss and have such a pitch at your disposal, surely you take advantage? 

I am genuinely baffled.

When the club next has a members forum, pertinent questions should be asked of the Head of Cricket. These should include:

'In the 3 years you have been here, what have you done to take the club forward?’ I am struggling to see anything, right now. The early shoots of progress in his first season are now but a distant memory.

'Do you regret taking up the role during the English season with Pakistan.' Because for me, the rot set in when he felt he could do two high profile jobs at the same time. It sent out the wrong signal to players and supporters alike and was disrespectful.

'Which young player have you signed for the county and which young pathway player have you given a chance to?' Big noises were made about Derbyshire becoming 'the county of choice'. I don't see that has happened, do you? 

'How have good players ALL lost form and confidence at the same time?' Surely you have to question your methods? 

'Is there one player that you feel you and your coaches have improved?'

I could go on...

These are pertinent questions and they are not being asked. They are certainly not being answered.

In case anyone is in any doubt, I am, have been and always will be a supporter of Derbyshire, regardless of the level they played. I follow the second team, the pathway sides and both enjoy and celebrate the successes.

But like any supporter, I am entitled to question what is going on when there appears no strategy, no progress and worryingly, no hope. 

This weekend's T20 fixtures are massive. If we lose them both, another competition has passed us by, in a season where Mickey Arthur has HIS team, players he has signed, or re-signed.

If that happens, everyone is entitled to question whether he is the right man for the job.

I look forward to your comments.


  1. Seems to me everyone is just going through the motions this season. No heart. Why bother ?

    If it were a football club then a sacking or two would allow someone else to have a go. Then again ….

  2. I would like to look at some of the positives of Derbyshire’s team from this season, and also last season too.

    Firstly, the consistency of the team, especially in the longer format, is particularly remarkable. And recognition must go to the coaching staff. I don’t know of any other present county team which can boast this level of reliability.

    With Derbyshire propensity to not hang around while batting, we should be grateful that us fans can all spend more time doing other things, like watching Wimbledon or perhaps spend quality time with friends and family. These are things that fans of other counties may miss out on while watching their teams win or fighting out a draw.

    With the present form of our team, no other county will look to poach our best players. So, all players will be available for next year. This brings the prospect of continued consistency in form.

    We enter every game now as the underdogs. And everyone loves an underdog. So, it is quite possible we are the most popular county team amongst the neutrals.

    And thank goodness we don’t have to witness the likes of a 243 from the Leicester player and still lose: what a waste of time. Or the 610/5 that Gloucester scored in their second inning: they should have just given up. We are so grateful that Derbyshire don’t do this kind of nonsense.

    So finally, I hope all the players and staff enjoy their well-earned day of tomorrow. Good luck for the weekend.


  3. I find that comment from MA about ‘genuine fans,’ incredible. Does he think Derbyshire have loads of fans who are only in it for the good times and just follow the silver ware?

    1. Yeah, it's a terrible comment. I guess "genuine fans" = fans who don't criticise poor performances, in MA's head.

      -John B

  4. Chesterfield Blue2 July 2024 at 19:53

    I'll make it short, Mickey Arthur and the coaching staff do the honourable thing and resign please. Thank you!

  5. least Lloyd and Whiteley gave the Derbyshire fans at Chesterfield something to applaud in a heavy defeat that was on the cards from the first session of day one.

    I have two points to raise. Firstly, after being taken to the cleaners by both Middlesex and Yorkshire, which followed T20 defeats against Notts and Birmingham Bears, confidence in the squad must be low. So, how might this affect our T20 games against Leicestershire and Yorkshire this weekend? So many players have been underperforming, and they must know this.

    Given our disappointing T20 campaign up to now, to make it to the quarter finals will require us to be firing on all cylinders with both bat and ball. My head says we won’t make it; my heart says we will.

    Secondly, why do we have so many coaches? Apart from Mickey, we have a second XI coach, a support coach, a batting coach, and a bowling coach. That’s more coaches than a Midland Main Line train from St Pancras to Derby.

    Can we afford so many coaches? You would assume at this level that batsmen know how to bat and bowlers know how to bowl. Yes, they might need help fine tuning their technique from time to time, but, from what I’ve seen, the problem seems to be mental attitude when they are out on the pitch, especially with the batsmen.

    From a financial point of view, might it not make more sense to have one coach working with both batsmen and bowlers? As we have a small budget, the money we save could be spent on recruitment instead? I can just about see the point in a second XI coach, but do we really need a support coach as well? This all begs the question: what kind of coaching is Mickey actually doing? Whatever it is, it doesn’t appear to be working.

    And I agree, Steve, that if you had to pinpoint when things started going wrong, it was when Mickey took on the Pakistan role. Perhaps he realised that trying to take a club like Derbyshire to success was not as easy as he first imagined. "S**t, I'm not going to be able to do this. These guys are a few rungs down the ladder to the guys I've been working with at international level. Why didn't I think about this before signing the contract."

    Down the wicket

  6. Down the wicket- I had to edit your excellent comments, because there was a load of stuff in front of it, not sure what happened at your end? Anyway, just wanted you to know that's why it doesn't appear under your usual login!

  7. He's had plenty of time and a healthy budget and managed to take us backwards.Totally the wrong man for the job. Simon

  8. In all the years of reading and contributing to your blog Steve I can't remember you so disillusioned with our team. To me that speaks volumes and I cannot disagree with any of your points. I'm going to be blunt here. Arthur should be sacked immediately. He's achieved nothing in his tenure apart from making us a laughing stock. Enough is enough.

  9. An excellent summary of our season so far, Steve. I have nothing to add apart from commenting on this latest debacle. I feel sorry for both of our openers. Poor Mitch Wagstaffe, a promising young batsman who was thrown in at the deep end in both innings. And Luis Reece, after bowling more overs than anyone else, expected to open again. Why didn't our captain show some leadership by opening the second innings to at least take some of the pressure off one of the above? After David Lloyd's catastrophic decision to bat first, surely he should have taken it upon himself to lead from the front. I also feel sorry for the Derbyshire fans who turned up to witness this debacle. At least Whiteley's lusty hitting at the end gave them something to cheer about but of course the result was never in doubt. How many times have we said "Where do we go from here?" Well, MA must go! I think we are all agreed on that.

    1. Loyal Fans !!!

      Is this guy for real every DCCC is loyal we have lived off scraps all
      My life and Queen’s Park is my home game and we’ve been annihilated

      Never heard Peakfan so disappointed and this is as loyal a fan as they come

      I’m 47 had some incredible days at Queen’s Park there is no finer place in the land to watch cricket but that was a disgrace

      MA knees to resign and resign now

      John Chesterfield

  10. I can only agree with what has already been said.

    How many coaches do we now employ?

    How many can be said to be making a real difference?

    It's hard to see where any improvements are showing and what value for money we are seeing for what has to be a substantial outlay.

    How about we save some money by losing a coach and redistribute that cash directly to the off field team and groundstaff, where it can do some real good for the ones who often go unnoticed and who put long, long hours and huge effort into days like today.
    Folks, your work is noticed too.

    Time for change, not only in team management but also in club priorities.


  11. If we judge a head coach and his staff by any reasonable metric then it's clear that change is needed.

    On field results, on field performances (both individually and the collective), squad assembly, developing of youth potential, overseas recruitment, improvement in the performance of the players who Arthur inherited and retained plus no doubt a few other important aspects of Derbyshire CCC. We have gone backwards in all areas.

    How many of our current squad would interest even a midtable division two county? We can't just think who might be if they were on top form because no player ever is. Personally, I'm always happy to see Guest and Reece in the XI although even then I'd question the demands placed on both regarding their position in the batting order. Wayne Madsen is above criticism but it's fair to suggest there are clear signs he is nearing the end of his magnificent career. Captain Lloyd and Donald can both accelerate the scoring but I wouldn't back either to bat through a couple of sessions even when the match situation calls for stickability.

    Of the bowlers and all-rounders I suppose you could make a case for Dal and Thompson whilst Aitchison deserves time after injury to show what he can do.

    As for the recruitment of overseas talent to lead the way, well that simply hasn't materialised. Shan Masood aside, none have justified their (presumably) higher wage. It's all a sorry mess.

    To answer my own question, not even half of any starting XI we could field are, in my opinion, of sufficient standard to allow us to challenge for a top two or three place in tbis division.


  12. Totally agree about Mitch, Chapel Guy - but this could be a massive learning curve. He's young, talented, and still trying to work out what his role as a cricketer is.

  13. The club seems slightly divided at the moment. A few fans for and against the coach, a few for and against playing at chesterfield. If the the club stopped playing at Queens Park, I'd stop following the club, like last time. I'd imagine a purely Derby based club wouldn't last long. Kris

  14. By Sunday night we will know whether we have a T 20 campaign or not …Mickeys interview referring to the fans support was poor judgement in the middle of a truncated festival and there was no critical reflection on his own role or decision making ,He has been afforded time ,I just can’t see any progress made individually or collectively with the players and a number are in decline …Came ,Dal,Conners, as examples …time for change

  15. My view is that there is nothing wrong with most of the players individually. All have at points in the past shown they're good enough for this level.

    I also have no issue with the number of coaches, we're a professional club and should have a large coaching staff. Steve you say the players should know how to bat or bowl but at this level the coaches are there to be getting that extra few % out of them which is what wins matches and continues their development. That raises the question of whether they're the right coaches though.

    I also think talk of finances is an excuse we shouldn't be providing the club, the club's turnover etc suggests we should be competitive in the middle of this division.

    Where we have an issue is the head coach who seems to be taking the club and individual players backwards at a rate of knots. Look at the decline of Dal and Conners. The persistence with the pitch at Derby is another big issue. Recruitment has been mostly woeful, gambling on some aging pros to provide t20 success when it turns out they're previous clubs released them for clear reasons, they're sadly well past their best.

    Overseas recruitment has been shocking for years. Again budget isn't an excuse - Leicestershire consistently bolster their squad excellently whilst we do the opposite.

    Arthur has to take accountability for this, we're becoming a laughing stock and we're very clearly the weakest county now with little sign of a way forward. Leicestershire have got the right coaching staff in and are going from strength to strength with home grown players like Hull and Ahmed at the fore alongside players like Patel that they've developed massively and great overseas players. Gloucestershire have had financial troubles but have committed to their youth pathways and now regularly field 6 or more homegrown players in their XIs and are starting to see the benefit. We need to learn from these approaches as right now we're going nowhere.

  16. I too, found Arthur's comments on the decision to bat utterly baffling. Things played out in a very similar fashion last year, but Yorkshire won the toss, put us in and duly skittled us. There were murmurings around the ground that Derbyshire would've opted to bat first, but I dismissed them as a bit of mischief making at the time as I struggled to believe it possible to misread conditions to that extent, yet 12 months later here we are. Jay

  17. I take the point Hamez made about having a large coaching staff. But if you have a large coaching staff, then you expect them to produce results. Coaching should not just about technique. It should also be about mental attitude and confidence. According to Mickey in his interview after the Chesterfield shambles, confidence among the players is shot to pieces at the moment. Okay, if that's the case, then it's the job of the coaches to find a way of restoring it. Perhaps more imaginative approaches are required. I wonder how Cloughie went about this sort of thing.

  18. The previous coach, Houghton, got some stick for the performances and yet three years on we are no better. I was always a little concerned with an international coach turning up at Derbyshire and those concerns have only increased with time.

    I have enjoyed many matches at Queens Park over the years but this game must rank as one of the worst. Yorkshire have not had a great season and yet they won at a canter. Starting with the inexplicable decision to bat first it just went downhill from there and the match was ‘lost’ on day one.

    It was a dispiriting performance and painful watch for the faithful and Arthur’s comments that the fans should get behind the team were inexcusable. Many of us have supported Derbyshire for years and will continue to do so despite performances like this but we deserve better from the coaching staff and players.

    Time the club made some hard decisions now not at the end of the season or next year.


  19. Only just seen this relating to the previous situation. It seems a total nonsense to me.

    Arthur, who is currently two years into a four-year contract with Derbyshire, was pursued by Ashraf's predecessor Najam Sethi, who wanted him in as head coach. "It was a stable job," Arthur says pointedly. "I had a really good contract. I couldn't just drop this and do Pakistan. That goes against my grain. And I told Najam that."

    The PCB and Arthur eventually worked out a deal where Arthur continued with his job at Derbyshire while appointing a team to work with him as team director. It meant he wasn't around for a significant chunk of his time with Pakistan cricket, especially during the English county season.

    "I used to wake up early," he says. "I used to be up at 5.30 in the morning. I would do all my correspondence until 7.30, then get into Derbyshire, do our day, while being available on the phone through the day. And then when I got home I would sit with Grant over Zoom, and we'd plan out what the next block of days looked like for the Pakistan team. So I was spending a lot of time daily with Pakistan when I wasn't there too."

  20. So it's not Mickeys fault or the players for our dreadful form it's the supporters who are to blame! He's got the audacity to point the finger at people like us who have been right behind our county all of our lives.I was prepared to give him the benefit but not any more Tim.

  21. When the coach starts having digs at the fans then the game is up.

    We aren’t a particularly demanding bunch, we mostly just want to not be an embarrassment and show we are worthy of our first class status…something some around the game couldn’t strip from us fast enough….

  22. Chesterfield Blue3 July 2024 at 18:33

    If Mickey Arthur is allowed to see out his final season next season I will be absolutely fuming. His interviews are always a shambles , gives off the impression that he's never totally focused on managing little old Derbyshire sees it as a bit of a joke job, doesn't really matter that we get battered it's been happening every season for the last ten or so after all.
    Got to go asap for me and I mean I don't even want him to see the season out


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