Sunday 21 July 2024

Cheshire v Derbyshire 50 over friendly

Derbyshire 242-7 (Guest 97, Bin Naeem 62, Dearden 4-39, Grant 4-42)

Cheshire 243-6 in 35.2 overs (Llewellyn 91*, Carroll 62)

Cheshire won by 4 wickets with 88 balls to spare

While accepting that this was a friendly and warm-up match, Derbyshire slipped to an embarrassing defeat to Cheshire at Nantwich today.

They looked off the pace with bat and ball, only excellent innings by Brooke Guest and Yousaf Bin Naeem saving them from a batting catastrophe. They added 127 for the seventh wicket after a collapse to 86-6 against the gentle off spin of Harry Dearden, formerly of Leicestershire.

Lamb was caught at wide long on, Whiteley caught sweeping against the turn and Wagstaff, after a century yesterday, swept around a straight full toss. They seemed stuck in a T20 mentality, the strokes played not especially sensible after twenty overs of a fifty over game.

Guest just missed out on a century in a classy innings, but Bin Naeem, 18 later this week, looked a player of class and charm in his innings of 62.

He has just finished school and I understand he has no plans for further education. On this basis he should be elevated to the first team sooner, rather than later 

If the batting was bad, the bowling was worse. Bryn Llewellyn and Kevin Carroll treating the bowling with near-disdain as they reached the target of 243 with nearly fifteen overs to spare. Carroll reached his half century from only eighteen deliveries and Derbyshire's players looked demoralised in the field.

Thirty-seven extras were conceded by Derbyshire in an ill-disciplined bowling display, but it mattered little as Carroll hit anything straight into the middle distance in a spectacular display of hitting that included six sixes and four fours. Meanwhile, the left-handed Llewellyn anchored the innings beautifully, with a stylish knock

We were very average and totally outclassed today.

One of those sides looked a minor county.

It wasn't Cheshire.


  1. Chesterfield Blue21 July 2024 at 17:19

    I take it that this is our near first eleven for the RLC Steve, nothing short of disgraceful today. On this basis it's going to be an arduous struggle to beat any county and could quite easily finish bottom of the group. Things are looking bleak, very bleak

  2. Looks like the first class counties will win every other game so just us victims of an upset. How embarrassing.

    Carroll or Lewellyn worth a punt at all do you think Steve? I'm still annoyed we didn't pick up Hargrave.

    1. Llewellyn looked the better player to me, Carroll had one of those days when everything hits the middle and we bowled poorly.

      Hargrave should have been signed, definitely worth a look for a season

  3. Just when you think it can't get any worse and it does.For a first class side to be trounced like this is utterly shameful.Well done to Cheshire by the way they played thoroughly professionally and won at a canter.Topspinner

  4. It is so important that we win some of the early games in the 50 over cup as it seems like the the season will spiral completely out of control.

    You can see why we struggle in the County Championship as today it called for red-ball batting and only Guest and Bin Naeem seemed capable of playing that type of innings.

    I also noticed that Ross Whiteley was captain today. I assume this means he is captain for this trophy. Three different captains and a pro-active coach cannot bring clear thinking to the dressing room with so many different voices in charge.

    Currently hoping that Lincolnshire can beat Notts as we won't be only "first-class" casualty today.

  5. Looking around the other games Archie Harrison, who was surprisingly released last season scored 126 from 121 balls for Hertfordshire v Sussex today.

    1. Against nearly a full strength Sussex attack. Nobody will need reminding what happened when Derbyshire faced most of that attack (to be fair, Jayden Seales wasn't playing) earlier in the season.

    2. Harrison was released too soon. How can you tell at 19/20? He was worth another year, at least. Nils Priestley another probably released too soon and has done very well in Minor Counties. Maybe these lads need time to get their heads ready for this level of the game?

    3. One of the problems we seem to have is giving the youngsters playing time in the first eleven. If he had stayed another year at Derbyshire how many games would he have got even given even if the team is underperforming?

  6. Hi, some thoughts on today:

    This was a weakened Cheshire team! Club commitments with T20 comps today meant at least 5 first choice players weren’t playing

    I was sat near where DDP was fielding. Seemed a whole-hearted and good man

    Worth noting that Leics lost their ‘Showcase’ game last year and won the comp. Although Derbyshire batted poorly today at times I think it might be too quick to read into things

    Second time I’ve seen Kevin Carroll, second time he has scored an incredibly quick innings all over the ground. Serious player


    1. Thanks Luke, good comments. DD is a nice guy and gives 100% but I am not sure he is overseas professional material. Not the first we have had like that

      Carroll hits a ball hard and has a very good eye! I liked Llewellyn even more tbh

  7. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, we put in a dreadful performance against minor county opposition. Hats off to Cheshire for a thoroughly professional performance in comparison with our below par effort.

    Senior professionals Messrs Lloyd, Lamb and Whiteley managed to muster eleven runs between them! Thank goodness for the efforts from Guest and young Bin Naeem, otherwise it would have been more embarrassing. The young lad certainly warrants an extended stay in the first team.

    The bowling wasn’t much better and only Dupavillon comes out with any credit.

    Just hope that Derbyshire do have their eyes on these minor counties sides and the likes of Llewellyn, Hargrave and t’others are under the microscope because we desperately need some new blood.


  8. I don’t know where to start.

    Where was Samit Patel? Is he not playing in this format, leaving us with a third captain across 3 formats…that’s a mess for starters.

    That was as low as it gets, only saved from being worse by Guest and Bin Naeem…the latter should be a mainstay in all formats for the rest of the season. Not just talent, he already has more brains than some of his more experienced teammates who walked out there seemingly intent on giving their wicket away.

    DuPavillon was the only bowler who looked of county standard…and he’s the overseas who needs to be better than that. On this display Patel, Chappell, Moore, Thomson, and Dal walk straight into the team for Wednesday if they are available to play.

  9. Well, that's Notts for you, can't let someone else be the story, can they. At least Derbyshire didn't let a minor county chase down 332 in 50 overs!

  10. Anybody know why Samit wasn’t playing? I thought he’d signed for all formats. Batter Steve

    1. You could say to give him a breather, but he played for Cutthorpe yesterday...

    2. Peakfan Just trying a test message. As my previous two haven't been published. Please confirm received.

  11. Steady on chaps, it is just a warm up match. I know this season has been awful, but let's not get stuck in to them just yet.
    Cheshire have always been near to parity with a first class county, so not a total shock.
    I guess I'm still trying to keep positive - I really do understand why the vast majority are not.
    Re Patel. My impression was he's here for the 20/20 only. Hope not, we could use his experience for this tournament.

    1. He was signed for all white ball cricket, Dave, with the possibility he may get a gig with the Hindered..

      You were right it was a friendly, but there were worrying signs that all is not well.

  12. These results don't really matter in the big picture. The fans go mad for a couple of hours and that's it. What matters is Wednesday, although it worries me how many big players were left out today. We need them to get practice in the format. Kris

    1. To be fair, with Madsen, Donald and maybe Brown/Chappell at the other compy, there's only Patel and one of those seamers above missing today. I assume Dal is still absent for personal reasons, Aitchison injured and Thomson was in the 12. Otherwise only Moore...

  13. Please do the honourable thing Mickey. You're embarrassing us

  14. That was awful I have seen the last three games 2 in person and Worcester on the feed, even though we won at Worcester i thought the team lacked something either interest/confidence, call it what you may.

    On Friday for a game that was billed as winner takes all, I would have expected the team to have fought tooth and nail or at least go down fighting they didn't.

    Today there was no leader out there trying to get the best out of the team. MA I understand before he has stated it is a confidence thing, well if it is he certainly hasn't inspired any yet.

    They are not all bad players, I just wonder if MA has lost the team and they are no longer willing to play for him.

    As a team overall they are not currently fighting for their shirt.

    Cheshire deserved their win, no one has mentioned the catch taken by Carroll that diving to right on the boundary which was absolutely outstanding, whilst we managed to drop some sitters.

    Don't think in 40 years of following Derbyshire I have seen a more dispiriting performance.

    1. To be fair, there was only one fixed camera on the pitch and no one saw any catches, dropped or otherwise, on the stream. Again, we were going to be 'the best fielding team, a non negotiable' and we are not

    2. Anyone can drop a catch but the one thing that really worried me was the deathly silence from the players when one went down towards the end of the Cheshire Innings, Ok it wouldn't have made a difference taking it but that silence was deafening. I can't ever remember experiencing that before.

  15. Tim, Chesterfield21 July 2024 at 20:28

    It looks like we have a little further to drop to find our level outside of T20. Perhaps we can arrange a friendly against Glapwell, Clowne or Marehay and at least have a close game.

  16. I keep posting this but surely today put strong weight to this argument. why doesn’t the club give more opportunity for younger players? We should be a county that offers more opportunities than others. As our budget is so limited surely we could then bring in bigger names to support this plan as these players obviously be on low pay scale. I would like to see Derbyshire build quota into team where there always 4 under 24 players in the 1st team. This could attract more promising players to the pathway. I totally understand that we don’t have the feeders in place. This is very unlikely to change anytime soon. If we could offer opportunities of really clear pathway and put into action we could produce some good country cricketers. At the moment any promising player wouldn’t fancy chances Derbyshire as record speak for itself when comes to producing players. I believe the supporters would get behind Mickey Arthur more if they could see he trying to lay down foundation for the long term of club. I hope that Potts, Moore, Bin Naeem, Wagstaff and other pathway players get given consistent game time. They all get clarity with role they need to do in the team. I think that comment more directed at Wagstaff as they need to decide is he going to be number 7 or opener? Only time will tell with direction club will go in. Following Derbyshire for 30 years I would be surprised if they did anything so radical. The safe predictable option is what course chosen so far.

    1. People would be more understanding if there were youngsters. Harrison would likely have cost 30k this year. Surely that was worth seeing how he got on? Very few players are close to the finished article at 19 or 20

  17. Utterly abysmal. Whiteley has proved a liability overall, an all rounder who hardly ever bowls and is out for a duck more often than he gets a score. Was Patel not playing because he’s been taken for the Hundred? I repeat my comment of a few weeks ago that Conners and Potts, once seen as bright stars fir the future, have fallen back and back and back under the current regime. I noticed Pat Browns body language at Derby on Friday. He must be fed up and I don’t blame him. Quality player. He came to us hoping to get back to top class contention and he must feel like he’s playing in a pub team. Arthur’s attitude baffles me. In his interview on Friday he offered more of a journalistic critique than an explanation of what’s going on. Why doesn’t anyone ever get to ask him any tough questions? His ‘contact book’ has proved a joke. Four overseas this season and not one of them has won us a single match or even come close. Some so poor they can’t even get into this poor side. There’s potential here but signing rejects from the likes of Glamorgan is probably not the way to go. I hate being so negative but it’s hard to feel positive when we were in with a chance of going through in the Blast and put in such a casual, pastey, lazy display on Friday.

    Sadly for me I’ll still be there on Saturday for Middlesex. I’m too old to staunch my Derbyshire cricket addiction! But as we all know, it’s hard at times.
    Andy T, Cleckheaton

  18. Never seen so many comments on a warm up game on this wonderful blog before. A clear sign that we’re all getting very frustrated, fed up and concerned with how this season is panning out.

    As my main source of Derbyshire news I really hope this season doesn’t put you off continuing with your fine work Peakfan!

  19. What this shows us is that with all the counties losing players to the hundred, the One Day Cup becomes a very second rate and mediocre standard competition.

    It's just that with our starting point being lower than most (all) counties, then we become proportionally worse than others.

    For me the season is over, and has been for a while. Unfortunately the players are also giving that impression, and for that there ought to be consequences...

  20. Peakfan,
    Thanks for the reply to my 'test message' request. I think it has all been said above. I am another longstanding member who is seriously worried at the club direction of travel. Hard decisions need to taken and soon. Thanks for your regular insight and updates.

  21. I don't think either Godleman or Palladio have been replaced, i.e steady county pro's. Certainly, we have no batter who can bat time, like Billy did in his prime. Kris

    1. Absolutely right "Anon." I have been saying for some time now that we failed to replace Palladino, a bowler of unfailing reliability and accuracy. Godleman too disappeared from.our ranks when he still had a lot to offer. Mystery surrounds the sacking of both. Why do Derbyshire never seem to get things right?

    2. Very true. DCCC have lost too many players of ability to other counties without making dubious decisions about the future of players such as Palladino and Godleman. I guess if your face no longer fits with the head coach, then its game over...
      Ian. S.Africa.

    3. Every county team needs a reliable and accurate seam bowler and a solid opening bat. We got rid of ours and years later still haven't replaced them.

  22. I notice that Leicestershire lost to Buckinghamshire today on their own ground. There are some decent players in the minor counties who might be worth looking at.

  23. Why's Anuj dal not playing? Haven't seen him in any squad for a while now


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