Monday 1 July 2024

Derbyshire v Yorkshire Day 2

Derbyshire 76 all out 

Yorkshire 416-6 (Wharton 188, Tattersall 93*) 

Yorkshire lead by 340 runs

There's not a lot to write about today's cricket at Chesterfield. Before the rains came down and mercifully brought proceedings to a premature close, Yorkshire had extended their lead to 340 runs, with wickets to spare and time to extend that should they wish. 

The likelihood is that they will declare overnight, or when Tattersall gets his century and then set to work on the Derbyshire batting early tomorrow, once the ground staff have done their magic on the outfield. 

While the Yorkshire batters appeared to be in no trouble at all today, I am less than confident the same will apply when it is our turn to bat tomorrow. 

I don't see anything here other than another frustrating and demoralising defeat. 

Quite frankly, we don't deserve anything other than that.


  1. Chesterfield Blue1 July 2024 at 17:55

    It really is an absolute mess at Derbyshire ccc, getting thoroughly outplayed game after game with no end in sight or so it seems. Mickey Arthur and the coaching staff have to go, as they're not even getting 50% from this current batch of players. Rubbish absolute rubbish

  2. I think Yorkshire will bat on briefly to allow Tattersall get to his century. Jordan Thompson's first two balls of his innings I think meant a declaration was close today.

    I wonder if the second innings will see a change of batting order, ironically to what happened last year at Chesterfield. When a first innings top 7 of Came, Haider, Guest, Madsen, du Plooy, Lamb, Reece became Came, Reece, Lamb, Madsen, du Plooy, Haider, Guest in the 2nd Innings.

  3. Just about thawed out after watching a truncated second day and what a demoralising watch. Other than the one wicket we rarely threatened to bowl out the opposition.

    It certainly isn’t an easy task supporting Derbyshire and this season that promised much has delivered very little. Changes need to be made and quickly before we sink any further.

    Those in charge need to have the courage to make some hard decisions very soon before we all lose hope.

    I will be there tomorrow and hope we can at least go down fighting.


  4. We are asking a lot for some chesterfield magic to be sprinkled on this game, but you never know....Kris

  5. The best we can hope for is a draw, but that seems unlikely given our propensity to collapse like a pack of cards after the fall of a wicket. All too often, there's an air of predictability about Derbyshire when they bat. It's almost as if the players expect to get out.

    Only on three occasions this season has a player scored a hundred or more (Madsen, Lamb and Reece). When you look at other counties, that's telling.

    1. The management board must ultimately take responsibility for the shambles that DCCC are on the playing field ,why is it that an allegedly both morally and financially bankrupt club like Yorkshire can employ two quality overseas players and yet Derbyshire who have once again reported a record profit and yet we employ third rate over seas players also what exact purpose is there in employing Mikey Arthur? I look forward to listening to Mikey's latest excuses

  6. I really believe now is the time in red ball cricket to start playing Bin Naeem, Potts, Moore and Ajaz. The only way forward I can possibly see is give these players expose and also give them plenty of game time in September.’I don’t believe they would do any worse than our current crop players in red ball cricket. We are a white ball team with no strategy for red ball. We need to focus on player development and as a county we have failed for years. The argument is Notts or bigger county will cherry pick. If you look at Worcester and Sussex in recent years balanced opportunities with performance in red ball has worked for them. The long term aim should be looking for test player who retired that can help captain and bring these players through. At this moment time I believe Mickey vision is short term white ball success and looking for test nation to coach in future.

  7. Chesterfield Blue2 July 2024 at 17:48

    Hang your heads in shame everyone connected to Derbyshire ccc from the management down to the players. Mickey Arthur's position is now untenable I'd say, he just has to go now as we stumble from one disastrous performance to another. Another humiliation at the hands of a good Yorkshire buy not a very special Yorkshire, just that we make every county we play look special. Hope you find time to do a piece on where we go from here Steve, because this has been nothing short of a disastrous performance and I think the dressing room has totally gone

  8. Glamorgan fan here - we share your pain as we both have a large stock of mediocre under performers. No surprise to see Lloyd and Donald average 20 something - it’s in their DNA, still gobsmacked they were desired by another county, and despite our woes, we don’t want them back thank you.


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