Friday 7 April 2023

A friendly reminder!

As we are getting into the season, hopefully a lot of reports and plenty of comments, just to remind everyone who chooses the 'Anonymous' option to please include a name.

No one on this site is unfair,  but professional sport being no different to any other level, there will be days we do well and others less so.

It is only appropriate that everyone puts a name, even if it is one of their choosing,  to a post. It helps other users understand and get to know you.

I will not publish any anonymous comment that is critical, as it would be unfair. I appreciate it is easy to forget, when you've typed what you want to say, but I know this site is well read by players, their families and people at the club, as well as supporters of other counties across the country.

As Derbyshire are doing so well on and off the pitch, it is important that all of us, as supporters, offer comment and criticism that is worthy of their progress. 

Given the usual level on here, I know that will not be a problem, but I just want to ensure that everyone adheres to the same standard.

Thank you all, I look forward immensely to your continued involvement.

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Please remember to add your name. Avoid personal comment at all times. Thanks!