Thursday 23 December 2010

Eddie Barlow - an appreciation

My series on Eddie Barlow that will commence in the early New Year has grown arms, legs and wings. As regular readers will recall, Eddie came to Derbyshire in 1976, so next year marks the 35th anniversary of that arrival.

As well as Eddie’s widow Cally, who has been very generous with her time, I’ve now had contributions from a number of players from that era, to who I am incredibly grateful.

Tony Borrington, Alan Hill, Harry Cartwright, Geoff Miller, Mike Hendrick and Bob Taylor have all contributed, as has Gerald Mortimer, who saw the period from the press box and knew Eddie very well. So has the club’s Honorary Secretary David Griffin, who, like me, saw a lot of the cricket in that period from the boundary edge and recalls it with great affection.

Their comments have helped me to put together a deserved appreciation of a man who did so much for Derbyshire cricket.

Look out for it starting sometime soon.

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