Saturday 18 May 2024

Derbyshire v. Northamptonshire Day 2

Northamptonshire 422 

Derbyshire 170-2 (Guest 76*, Madsen 28*)

Derbyshire trail by 252 runs

Today saw a decent fight back by Derbyshire, admittedly after Rob Keogh added a century to an already healthy total to see the visitors all out for 422.  Bartlett (who Derbyshire were themselves chasing in the winter) and Broad added excellent '70s and it ensured a sizable, if not out of sight first innings score. 

Yet after that Derbyshire batted with relative ease on a pitch that seemed to offer little to the visiting bowlers. Lloyd was superbly caught at fourth slip, which he would have got away with nine times in ten. Reece batted steadily before rather giving it away, but Guest, after keeping wicket for 133 overs in the heat, batted very well for the remainder of the day to remain unbeaten on 76, with Madsen on 28.

From what I have seen so far, a positive result will depend on a last day run chase, which Derbyshire are at least set up for. I have seen no reason for them to collapse and I just hope that we declare our innings in due course to allow the visitors the opportunity to set something for us on the last day.

Hopefully tomorrow brings more sunshine, as well as some good Derbyshire batting.


  1. Chesterfield blue18 May 2024 at 19:05

    Credit to Derbyshire for batting well but what a poor advert for the game when two days in and a draw is inevitable again. We're barely into a teams first innings on day three, that is so poor, the four day game is slowly dying, so sad to see

    1. Some great games going on around the country CB, now the weather is more inclined to cricket rather than winter sport.
      The problem is more the oft lamented Derbyshire wicket rather than the death of four day cricket. The administrators here still require test matches, at least for now, so although agreed the four day game is played at silly times, they still require some form of feeder line.

  2. That sure feels better. After the brilliant catch to get Lloyd, it felt like another 26 over debacle could have been on the cards. So fair play to Messers Reece, Masden and especially Guest for the fight shown.
    That is all a supporter requires really..

  3. Despite still having reservations about our bowling unit collectively, I think on balance Derbyshire deserve some credit so far in this match. Given it has come off the back of Shambolic performance against Sussex then you have to say Derbyshire have at least raised their bar in this match. Northampton could easily made 475 but at least without looking devastating the Derbyshire bowlers stuck to their task and the match hasn't completely gotten away from us in the first two days.So given the season we've had I'm prepared to say we've had a respectable day.
    Steve jr

  4. So far in this game we've done okay...but I've haven't seen anything to suggest that we are likely to be challenging for promotion. We seem to be pretty average with both bat and ball. I didn't see any real aggression in our batting. If you were shown video clips of us batting under Houghton and batting under Mickey, I doubt anyone could tell the difference. This is not to take anything away from Guest, Reece and Madsen, who all did well. But I feel we are not taking charge of games, but responding to the opposition. Our batsmen are not taking bowlers apart, but simply surviving and doing their best to stave off following on. Mickey said we would play exciting cricket this season (and last season, if my memory serves me correct), but would anyone say this is what we have been doing? Perhaps my expectations are too high. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Maybe Guest will get a hundred and Donald and Whiteley will take the Northants attack apart.

  5. You're not wrong Mickey did indeed promise positive entertaining cricket last season and this. The problem is as I see it is a chicken and egg situation, how do you play positively when your not playing well and confidence must be low. Do you do as you say try and take the opposition bowlers apart, but problem then is because the batting in general is not sure of itself the chances of getting out increase significantly. I don't think it's that straight forward to just say in a first class game let's take the bowling apart. What if the opposition bowl really well from both ends.Maybe the mistake was for Mickey to make to the comment in the first place. You become a hostage to fortune then which is to some extent what's happened to Mickey with a fair number of Derbyshire supporters that I'm listening to saying he talks things up to much. Personally I'm going the other way if Mickeys style of coaching is this confident we can do it approach then I'm prepared to accept the man for what he is. But I appreciate it's starting to annoy some supporters. Can any of us change our natural personality ?
    If you watch Wayne closely when he's really seeing it well speed and aggression comes naturally he doesn't have to force it. Its actually an interesting subject you've brought up can you hit yourself into form. I think only the really talented players can pull that off and even then your going to need a certain amount of luck. Let's hope for lots of boundaries and 25 sixes tommorrow, it would be great entertainment.
    Steve jr

    1. Chesterfield Blue19 May 2024 at 08:25

      It's not entertainment though is it Steve when potentially Derbyshire could bat all day today, then on day 4 you still have two innings to complete to get a positive result. This is a draw already unless as you say Derbyshire accelerate at a ridiculous rate or Northampton skittle us out quickly.
      Bore draw coming up

  6. As Ian Botham once said "Form is temporary, class is permanent."

  7. No CB If it pans out like that in baking sunshine it's very disappointing. That's why a week or so ago I suggested a return to 3 day cricket and and asked Steve to be cricket supremo. He came up with a formula which I throught was very good. It might be worth you looking back and reading it and see what you think. I agree
    with you and anyone else that 4 day cricket has possible had its day for now at any rate. If theirs any money to be made through I think it should go to me and not Steve as it was my idea. ! I might share it with him if he asks me nicely.But then again he,might block me on his blog
    Steve jr.


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