Friday 7 June 2024

New records for the Peakfan Blog

I don't often do the blog on my laptop anymore.

Partly because my laptop is old and needing replaced (which will be sometime soon) but also because I can largely dictate the blog into my phone, edit it quickly and save my fingers. 

But I needed to go on the laptop today and checked up on a few figures regarding the blog. I'm delighted to say usage this year is the highest it has ever been and last month there were over 97K views, also a new record. The counter doesn't register views from mobiles, so there is quite a discrepancy between the blog statistics, behind the scenes, and what the counter picks up.

To be setting such records in the 17th year of doing the blog is something I am very thrilled about.

With games against Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire this weekend, hopefully there will be a bumper number of visits and I can report back on a new record at the end of June. 

Thank you so much to everyone for your continued engagement. It is always a very great pleasure to read your comments and appreciate your support of our club. 

Long may it continue!


  1. Great stuff, Steve. That's impressive.

  2. It’s worth reading when you correctly name the team the night before! Craig.

  3. Chesterfield Blue7 June 2024 at 22:16

    Well done Steve, this site is deserving of success

  4. Clay Cross Mark7 June 2024 at 22:45

    Good evening Steve, that is fantastic news about your blog. In my opinion the best blog I read by some distance. Long may it continue. All the best and thank you. Mark ps a great win tonight as you predicted!

  5. Huge congratulations. As some who has done a personal blog, and now writes for a bigger website, I know the commitment it takes to keep doing what you're doing. 17 years is absolutely incredible & this is the best place to come for news and to chat about Derbyshire 👏👏👏

  6. Brilliant stuff, Steve. Thanks for all you do. Long live the blog!
    Andy T

  7. Thanks very much to all of you, for your kind words. Very much appreciated!

  8. Wow!! 97k views not counting mobiles, that’s fantastic numbers bearing in mind, like me, that many will view on their phones. Not surprising really as it is the site to go too for all things Derbyshire. As an exile for many years it was great to keep in touch with what was going on through your blog, Steve.

    So thank you for an informative blog that allows comment but not the personal jibes that detracts from many other sites.



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