Wednesday 19 June 2024

Moore and Bin Naeem sign professional deals

You really couldn't wish for better news, from a cricketing perspective, than that which came from the County Ground this morning. 

Both Harry Moore and Yousaf Bin Naeem have signed their first professional contracts, which will see them initially working with the first team squad until the end of 2025. 

It is confirmation, if required, of the sterling work being done by Daryn Smit and his team on the Pathway, as well as by the two young men themselves. 

They have appeared to be outstanding talents for the past two seasons and both have impressed me immensely in my sightings of them.

Both have fathers of considerable cricketing pedigree and the support of their families will be important in the next phase of their lives. 

I hope that they get opportunity in the remainder of the season. At 17 they still have education to consider and that will continue to be a focus in the immediate future. 

It looks bright for both young men and I am sure that everyone wishes them the very best as they embark on what could well be very exciting careers.


  1. The future of the club is heavily reliant on pathway developments imho so this is good news indeed. Congratulations to both.

  2. David exiled in Lancs19 June 2024 at 16:40

    Congratulations to Harry and Yousaf and all involved in nurturing their talent. I hope they continue to develop, become first team regulars, before sadly going on to further their careers at more high profile counties.

    I hadn't realised that both have come through Repton School, as so many seem to do. A school with day fees in excess of £30,000. It is sad that first class cricket remains a sport seemingly out of reach of so many people.

    In excess of 15% of the population of Derby comes from Asian heritage. For many of those, cricket will be virtually a religion. How many though have been identified and nurtured through the county ranks?

    In the old days we could get a fast bowler by whistling down the mines for one. Do we now just ring the bell in the Repton Common Room instead?

    1. I suspect that they are at Repton by virtue of them being in the academy and not the other way round.

    2. I believe Repton offers scholarships to talented sports people and it makes sense for them to do so. It is a school school of outstanding sporting and academic achievement and to be a part of its rich history must be quite something

    3. David exiled in Lancs19 June 2024 at 19:54

      I'm sure thats the case Steve, and good luck to Harry and Yousaf and their families if they have benefited from scholarships.

      The fact is though, that the somewhat rarefied atmosphere of Repton is not for everyone, and we (not just the club, but all of society) have to make sure that opportunities are available for kids, girls as well as boys, from the backstreets of Derby, and Alfreton, and Glossop

  3. Excellent news and l hope both go onto have long and successful careers with Derbyshire. We need the likes of these two, Mitch Wagstaff and others to develop into first team cricketers in the next few years. It is time we had a few players coming through the Pathway for the benefit of the club.


  4. Just another throught on the above subject.When I was younger you saw kids playing in all soughts of areas Three stumps drawn with chalk on a brick wall.Even three jumpers stacked on top of one another. A beer crate stood on end, anything that you could aim a tennis ball at. The most improvised bats you could ever imagine. We played with square bats round bats unless some kid brought a proper bat then a fight broke out as who and when got to use it next. Do you ever see that now.? My point is not meant to be the same as David's. I'm speaking more about the kids of today and how they spend their time. Where we played cricket their are now signs of No ball games allowed. I wonder does anyone find their way into first class cricket from such humble beginnings.Two of my mates made minor County Cricket from playing this way for 6years before joining a formalised club at 11or12. Me I was hopeless my job was to bowl bouncers on concrete with a tennis ball which I did for hours with great relish trying to knock their head off.Basketball and distance running along with football turned out suit me better.Do we get kids through this method anymore. I suspect computer games are more popular today.
    Steve jr.

  5. Repton School has produced over 150 first class Cricketers including 3 test match Captains. Along with one of the greatest sportsmen this Country has ever produced the legendary CB Fry.
    Steve jr.

  6. Have I missed it Peakfan or are you still to reveal your two signings from other clubs? Craig.

    1. Just put it on, Craig. Been a bit busy but thank you for remembering and reminding me!


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